Chapter 7: Secrets Revealed: Sophie's POV

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Sophie's night so far had been terrible.

She'd gone to the bank to help the police only to knock down (possibly even kill) a cloaked member of the drug dealers and manage to get the police trapped in a flaming prison. Then this pyrokinetic urged her to join his band of drug dealers for reasons she wasn't too sure on. Later these two teenage boys with odd code names had tackled the pyrokinetic and made a run for it. Lastly, Sophie had no idea who those two boys were and why they were at the bank.

As Sophie's brain continued to fill with questions she parked in the parking lot. Sophie got out of her beat up truck and as quietly as possible made her way towards the dumpster. She climbed on top, grabbed onto her windowsill and hauled herself inside her bedroom.

Sophie closed her window and took off her hoodie, scarf and shoes. She wished she could take a shower to calm her nerves, but she might wake up her parents and she wouldn't know how to explain why she was taking a shower at three in the morning.

All of a sudden a soft meow came from Sophie's bed. Sophie turned to see her gray cat, Marty sitting calmly while observing her with wide orange eyes. Sophie went to lay down on her bed by Marty.

She was exhausted and her whole body was telling her to get some sleep. But for some reason she couldn't.

How had Bangs Boy and Funkyhair even known about the bank heist?

It made no sense.

Sophie was utterly confused about everything that had occurred that night.

And what had that pyrokinetic meant when he said he'd distracted the police long enough?

Weren't they there for the money?

Or was there some bigger problem going on?

Had the police managed to catch the pyrokinetic?

Would she and those two boys be mentioned on the news?

She hoped not. That would mean the police would be on high alert and that would result with her having to law low.

Something else was nagging at Sophie's brain. Sure, her brain was running at a hundred miles an hour and she had a ton of stuff to figure out. But that didn't stop the feeling that she was missing something.

Sophie turned to Marty and began to pet his silky fur. "Sometimes I wish I were a cat. I could eat food and sleep all day without a worry in the world," Sophie whispered. Marty looked at her and licked her hand. Sophie giggled softly, finally feeling sleep take over her.

But of course with her luck she had to realize what had been nagging at her brain.

The pyrokinetic.

The cloak with the white eye on it.

The flashback hit hard.

She saw her mother surrounded by a ring of neon flames. The hooded figure pull the trigger, the police busting in to apprehend the pyrokinetic. The white eye on the pyrokinetic's cloak. 

There was only one other time she had seen that white eye and it was this night. The drug dealers had white eyes on their cloaks as did the pyrokinetic leader.

It was him.

Sophie's stomach flipped.

How had she not realized earlier?

He had the same deep menacing voice.

Those same piercingly cold blue eyes.

This entire night she'd been talking with her parents' murderer. 

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