Chapter 12: The Coming of Mouse Man: Dex's POV

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The moment Dex heard someone banging on his door he almost had a heart attack. His parents had gone to a friend's party with the triplets, but Dex hadn't felt like going. So that meant he was at home alone.

Dex grabbed his phone and dialed 911 just in case some psychopathe was out there. You could never be too careful in San Francisco. He peeked out the window and his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

Out there was Sophie, his best friend, covered in blood dragging a barely conscious boy. Dex threw the door open just as Sophie's grip slipped, dropping the boy causing him to yell out in pain.

"Funkyhair!" Sophie dropped to his side and tried to carefully pick him up, but her hands were slick with blood and couldn't find a good grip.

"What the heck is going on?!" Dex exclaimed. "Why are you covered in blood? Who's Funkyhair? I mean I'm assuming it's that boy right there, but... what happened to him?" Dex blurted out.

Sophie was on the verge of tears, "He got shot, but he didn't want to go to the hospital, so I thought that you might be able to help him since you're studying to be a doctor. I didn't realize how bad his condition was until-"

"Hey Sophie. Calm down. Help me bring him inside," Dex got to action grabbing the boy's arms while Sophie grabbed his legs. Together they gently set him down on the sofa.

"Sophie get me my med kit and some cloth bandages from the kitchen cabinet under the sink," Dex said while he put some cushions under the boy's legs to get them above his torso. Dex had been studying to be a doctor for two years. Most of his studies had taken place at home where his dad, who was a professional doctor, taught him. He knew what he was doing, hopefully.

Dex had so many questions crowding his brain, but with a person's life on the line they'd just have to wait.

He examined the boy, who was apparently known as Funkyhair. He was breathing heavily and losing a lot of blood from his shoulder.

"First things first," Dex mumbled to himself. He was 99.9% sure that Funkyhair was experiencing Hypovolemic shock. Dex raked his brain to remember the first aid for shock. He'd already raised his patient's legs above his torso which meant he had to keep him warm and loosen the clothing around his wound.

Dex carefully began to cut off the right sleeve of Funkyhair's hoodie with scissors. Then he laid a thin blanket over his legs all the way up to his chest.

Sophie came running in the room with the medkit and bandages. Dex quickly began cutting strips of the bandage and handed a few pieces to Sophie instructing her to keep pressure on the wound.

Dex took in a shaky breath, he hadn't realized how fast his heart was beating. "Sophie, we need to call an ambulance. I'm no expert at this. The wound could get infected, it might need stitches. He might have lost too much blood which means he could possibly need a blood transfusion."

Sophie bit her lip. "He told me not to."

"Yeah, well, at the moment this dude is unconscious and could very well die. And I'm pretty sure he wants to live, so his best chances are in a hospital," Dex argued.

Sophie looked like she wanted to tug out a few eyelashes, "How bad is the wound?"

Dex inspected Funkyhair's shoulder, "Ok, I might have been overreacting, but when it comes to someones' life being in the line I take it very seriously. It looks like he only got grazed by the bullet, but the wound is still deep. It'll still need stitches, although I could do them, it'd still be way better if a professional doctor did it."

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