Chapter 1: Just Another Hunter

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Dream ran through the forest, as fast as he could.

Sweat running down the side of his face as his chest heaved, desperately gasping for air. 

Warm blood began soaking the inside of his green hoodie, which was ripped and covered in layers of dirt and other earthly substances. 

His eyes wandered looking for the best escape route, his senses awakening as the pounding footsteps of the hunters grew closer. His mind was racing, not because he was scared, he feared nothing, nor was he in pain, he had grown numb to both of those things, as the years of being on the run dragged on.

His mind was racing because he was deciding the best ways he could end the hunters.

His thirst for violence and death had grown as his power and abilities continued to prosper. He was only on the run in order to continue the game he had created. Running allowed the hunters to believe they had the upper hand, it allowed them to create a false sense of security and hope that Dream loved to easily destroy right before he slaughtered them.

Dream snapped out of his crazed thoughts and brought his attention to the change in biomes. He had reached a grassy field, but the thing that had caught his attention was the glowing lava pool he could see in the distance.

"Bingo," he said to himself. His eyes lit up, it was exactly the thing he needed.

He forced his body to make a sharp turn in the direction of the lava pool. The only sounds Dream could hear were his feet as they hit the ground, the hunter's footsteps, and his own breathing. The sounds slowly drowned out as Dream became lost in thought. 

He knew the three hunters following him weren't very skilled and they were quite young. They had barely done any damage to him when they had originally found him smelting iron on the top of a mountain, the only reason he was currently low on health was because of the fall damage he had taken while being careless.

He knew he could easily kill them, but he craved a more creative death, rather than simple PvP. 

Dream finally reached the bubbling lava pool and began towering up in the middle of it. The inexperienced hunters followed, also towering above the deadly lava pool.

'Idiots' Dream thought as a smile made its way onto his face.

He stopped towering waiting to put his plan into action. He could hear his heart beating in his chest, a sound he only heard when he imagined the death of the pesky hunters and the thought of world domination.

The first hunter reached him attempting to knock Dream off of his tower. Dream grabbed him by the collar, using his free hand to hold his sword to the red-headed boy's neck. The two other boys stopped towering as their friend's scream filled the air. 

The young hunters stared at their friend frozen in fear, which was a rookie mistake. Showing their weaknesses, filled Dream with the power he desired.

He pushed the sword closer to the boy's kneck making him scream even more. His friends continued to tower in an urgent manner.

"Stop towering or the boy gets it," Dream said calmly, his voice sent a chill through the young hunter's bodies. 

Scared they obeyed Dreams commands, another rookie mistake.

 You should never trust the enemy, no matter what. 

Dream smirked and laughed slowly letting go of the red-headed boy's collar. The other hunter's eyes widened as the small boy screamed tumbling down into the lava to meet his demise.

"Now it's your turn," Dream said winking at the tall green-eyed boy below him. 

He jumped off the pillar and landed next to the boy. Who he easily pushed into the lava, he laughed as he watched the boy burn.

He then slowly turned taking in a deep breath staring at the lonesome hunter on the pillar next to him. His eyes looked at the young boy's face full of fear and sadness. Dream took his bow out quickly holding the arrow ready to fire. 

"Any last words?" He said softly with a fake and pitiful smile. He didn't wait for the boy to respond, he released the arrow which went flying into the hunter's chest, straight into his heart killing him immediately. 

Dream sat down on the pillar of cobble one of the hunters had made, unphased by the pool of death that was below him. He put his bow back into his bag and retrieved his notebook from inside. He searched for the usernames of the unfortunate souls he had just gruesomely slaughtered. Once he found their names, he quickly crossed them out. They were the three newest recruits. 

Dream chuckled, thinking of how stupid they were to come after him so quickly. The book in his hand began to glow, this meant that a new member was being added to The Hunters. 

He flipped to the page that was glowing and watched as words slowly faded into view. 

'Username: GeorgeNotFound

Name: George

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Hunter Team: #1

Threat Level: Extremely High'

 Dream's eyes locked on the last line, intrigued. It wasn't often if anything almost never that Dream saw a new recruit with a threat level so high. 

He knew of others that had a threat level extremely high, but the ones he knew of had trained hard and did not start off like that. 

Another thing that stood out to Dream was that this George guy was on hunter team #1, the strongest and most powerful team he knew of. The question was how did George manage to join the most elite team so quickly.

'What makes George so powerful?' Dream thought to himself. His eyes watched as the sun began to set the warm orange rays covering everything one last time before the darkness would arrive.

Dream sighed knowing he wouldn't get answers to his questions until he encountered the elite team of hunters, his least favorite group to deal with. They were the most challenging, still no match for himself, yet more challenging than the other hunter groups.

The name George stuck in his head as he climbed down from the pillar. 

'What makes George so special" he questioned to himself aloud. 

He looked at the sky realizing how much time he had wasted pondering possibilities. He mentally scolded himself, rolling his eyes at the stupidity of what had just happened.

"Whatever" Dream mumbled 

"There's nothing George can do to stop me...after all, he's just another hunter"

and that ended Dream's thoughts of the hunters and George for the night. 

He found himself a hidden cave to sleep in, dreaming of the world full of chaos he would eventually rule hoping, that nothing would ever get in his way.

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