My Last Charade

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"You already know the deal"

"Give me the culmination of your being, your SOUL once again then, I'm going to recreate this world for you."

♥ [YES] [NO]

"It is done"

"For your own good I hope you have learned your lesson, it's really easy really... just SPARE a single monster just one, that would be enough."

There you were, in the outsides of the RUINS, 'You really are not going to like what happens next'? Is Chara serious? It's not like she can do anything about it except for erasing the world, right? You know there was only one way to find out... You did it once more, for the 4th time you massacred every monster in the RUINS until you struck down Toriel, the first monster to ever showed MERCY to you.

But this time, something was different, Toriel's SOUL instead of breaking apart like it usually does it just... disappeared? No, you wasn't sure of what happened but you just walked out of there (Maybe it is just a Glitch) – You thought.

At the outside Flowey awaits as always. In this MERCYless 'playthrough' he will always say the same, you are tired of it at this point:

"You're not really human, are you? No. You're empty inside. Just like me. In fact...You're Chara, right?"

(No, I'm not Chara) – You thought

"We're still inseparable, after all these years... Listen. I have a plan to become all powerful. Even more powerful than you and your stolen soul. Let's destroy everything in this wretched world. Everyone, everything in these worthless memories... Let's turn 'em all to dust."


It is ironic that the once that begged you not to reset in the first place now wants to destroy everything, but it was you who erased his memories of that True Happy Ending so it doesn't surprise you but, the best part however is that him especially had the worst death of all, slashed countless times until nothing of him remained begging for MARCY until the last second, (suited him perfectly) - you giggle. From there you went to Snowdin.

Snowdin, a really boring place, you need to stand unbearable skeleton puns from that Sans, smiley trashbag, and solve stupid 'Puzzles' from Sans' brother Papyrus, and to top it all up at the end you have to 'date' Papyrus.

If you spare that is, if like me you kill everybody you don't have to do any of that.

"Well, I'll be straight- forward with you. My brother would really like to see a human... so, know, it'd really help me out... if you kept pretending to be one."

Sans said after meeting you.

(Yes, yes, whatever, you have already tell me that 4 damn times), you thought

As always you ignore the puzzles and before killing Papyrus, Sans warns you:

"If you keep going the way you are now... you're gonna have a bad time."

He's obviously referring to your battle against him at the last corridor, too bad for him though as that battle is just a routine by now.

You killed Papyrus, in his last moments he said "I still believe in you! You can do a little better if you just try." Pure nonsense, if only he knew that you killed him 4 times by now. You continued you way.

If Snowdin was boring Waterfall was straight up meaningless... like Undyne's desperate attempt to stop you.

You never liked Hotland or The Core, it was tedious and nothing really special happens there either. Except for Mettaton, he was nice. He tried to kill you long ago when you did the Pacifist Route just for TV entertainment, you now know that he wasn't wrong killing is indeed a really good show, and if just killing one human is fun to watch, can you imagine how fun it is to exterminate an entire race?

Alphys, The Royal Scientist is just really annoying; calling you every 5 minutes, trying to befriend you by force... too bad you don't get to kill her.

You finally reached New Home, the final area, were you get The Locket and the Real Knife Everything just flowed normally, what was Chara taking about? In the end she did nothing to stop you from killing anyone, you arrive at the throne room where you killed Asgore the king of all monsters and Flowey, the one who helped you eradicate the enemy and become strong.

As always Chara Appeared before you:


"I tried to warn you..."

"I tried to give you one last chance, an opportunity to redeem yourself"

"But now, I'm just SICK of you, I'm tired of you... let me ask you something"

"Do you know what happens when a Human absorbs a monster SOUL?"

"You should know, you read about it in Snowdin, 'A being of incredible force will be born' although anybody have seen it because it never happened.'"

"You 'Partner' should feel honored – You will be the first one to witness it."

But Chara was wrong, she's not human, or at least she does not have a human SOUL, that's why she's stuck with you in the first place, and in the same book she's referring to it is stated that monster SOULS can't last long enough for a human to absorb it anyways.

"What with that look?"

"Are you confused?"

"Let me guess... 'You don't even have a human SOUL' am I right?"

"Well, let me ask you something... What did you gave me in exchange of recreating the world? Exactly, YOUR soul, a human SOUL; If fact not only one, but three... As for the monster soul: didn't you notice something weird when fighting Toriel? Normally Monster souls can't stand long enough to absorb them but there are exceptions BOSS monsters, in other words, Toriel and Asgore Dreemur, when you killed Toriel I absorbed her SOUL and I bet that you just thought it was a 'glitch' HILARIOUS."

Chara's eyes went from the usual brown to a terrific red color, so this was her plan, FIGHTing you, how ignorant of her, even if she killed you, you will just re-appear, you just need memorize her movements each time she kills you, you will stay DETERMINED until you stroke her down. In your moment of euphoria, you started laughing maniacally. This made Chara upset.

"So you are laughing at an imminent death threat, don't think I don't know your powers, your DETERMINATION. Actually it was your DETERMINATION that woke me up in the first place, I remember explaining that to you at our very first encounter."

"Also this is mine" – Chara said while snatching The Locket "Right where it belongs... " – She mumbled before facing This Threat's puppet: Frisk.

"Don't worry Frisk, you'll soon be freed from the control of this 'Thing's' control, now it is MY turn to [✨ SAVE] you..."

"You know, the ones that have the more power, are generally the ones that fear punishment once it has come to them. I don't know who you are, but you killed everyone I loved and took control of the only one that could [✨ SAVE] them... really you are a Monster, no, wrong you are not a monster nor a demon... you are something even worse 'Partner'."

On that black void you and Chara are facing each other, armed with your knife and your distorted DETERMINATION, will [🔪 FIGHT] a disarmed Chara, (She didn't even bring a weapon with her... idiot.)


"Are you confused again?"

"I don't need your knife... "

Chara used magic to materialize a swarm of knives around her.

"I've got my own" =)

*Chara Dreemurr is DETERMINED to stop you!




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