Home Sweet Home

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Hey so I'm back and having a stroke at the amount of views lol, but hey- here's something new if anyone cares still

A young witch stood at the broken old house, she took a glance at the state of the outside, multiple windows were broken and the door hanging on by a few screws at the bottom of the frame. The siding has surely seen better days with many of the wood panels decayed and a few not so friendly critters making homes in the gaps. The yard and surrounding land wasn't much better either. Wild tall grass and small trees covered the nearby ground while vines that she wasn't entirely sure were safe grew up the side of the house It would almost look nice if it wasn't for the fact that most of it was covering the ground to the point of making it close to impossible to walk.

Eda sighed, freshly graduated and without a source of income for the time being this was the best she could do. After her first 'fun' transformation her parents had given her till graduation to find a new place, it was one thing to be a troublemaker but another to be a cursed trouble maker. As her parents saw it she was a disgrace after what happened at the tryout for the Emperors Coven. Lilith tried to defend her but even with her new job and good standing it was of little help. She at least helped Eda find a place away from town to where if something were to go wrong with the curse she wouldn't be hunted down.

Looking around Eda carefully worked her way through the overgrown greenery getting a few cuts on some of the harsher plants. She pulled off the door to finally get a look at the inside. The smell hit her first. Objectively she could stand it but that wasn't ideal. The main source of the odor was the molding walls, the old wallpaper was peeling from the walls revealing dark stains that were not blood... well probably wasn't blood, she couldn't be certain here. There was some of the furniture still remaining, pieces of an old couch pushed against the back wall sporting similar stains. The probably not blood theory was slowly turing into a hopefully not a murder theory, at this point a skeleton hidden under the floors was something Eda was going to have to look into finding at this rate. She glanced up at the ceiling and by some miracle there were no holes, only a few spots possibly due to rain getting through the roof. The spots left her worried for what she would find on the 2nd floor.

The stairs creaked in a scary sort of way and Eda paid a quick thought to the titan that she doesn't fall through them as she ascended to the 2nd floor which luckily was answered as she was met with a long hall with a few doors. Opening the first one she was met with a smallish room with a medium sized window at the end of it. The room itself was covered in spider webs and an assortment of old birds nests due to the window being broken. Moving on to the next room Eda was met with a small bathroom. It even included friends! Inside the toilet were around 30-40 tadpoles swimming around in the shallow water, how they managed to survive was something she wasn't sure about but they were there and needed to be gotten rid of. The tub might as well be a garden with the assortment of plants growing. Garden tub aside, the hole in the ceiling was not helping the situation. The tub plants were loving it but Eda was not having it. Just another thing to add to the list of things that needed repairs.

Eda walked out, shutting the door behind her leaving the little bathroom ecosystem be for now in favor of investigating the last room. She pushed open the door at the end of the hall revealing a large room with a large mosaic circular window, the lack of brokenness was probably due to the thick covering of vines on the exterior. The ceiling though, was not too hot. There were large holes letting a healthy amount of light into the room showing off the molded flooring and chewed walls, there were most certainly some rats living in there. Making sure to avoid what looked like weak spots in the floor she made her way to the window, sliding a long pale finger along the sill picking up a healthy layer of dust with the stroke.

"This place is certainly something.." She spoke aloud, rubbing the dust between her fingers making note to find a duster or a think of a spell to do the work.

    Eda wasn't the best with plant magic but she was able to get some vines to cover the holes in the roof at least until she was able to make a more permanent fix. Cleaning up a small area by the window to set up a home base was something she made quick work of due to the sun setting soon. Eda made a mental note to head to the market tomorrow to 'barrow' a few tools to start repairing the weak spots in the floor so she isn't to fall through and break something only a few days into being on her own. Maybe she could use some of the plants nearby to make some potions to sell at the night market to at least get some snails to help get by.

    She had a plan, and as long as she made it through this she would be unstoppable... at least she hoped! Perks to living out here was that the coven system was barely a thought now and with the curse it wasn't like many were eager to welcome her despite her powerful nature. Not that she cared though. Yes, she was on her own and free to do whatever she wanted now with no worries of other people expectations. Eda looked forward to what she could make of this old worn down home Lilith helped her find.


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