JinxBTS Part 1

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(I don't know who else is attached to the httyd franchise but this got me addicted to Orchestra so, I'd say give it a try, It may have you bawling  but it got rid of my writer's block, so hey. Oh and John Powell is one of the best composers to ever live.)

Sorority AU
"Good evening all passengers this is your Captain speaking, Our current time is 10:30pm KST time, with an arrival time of 11:00pm KST. We are currently flying at an altitude of 35,000ft, I'd like to on behalf of the aircraft staff, hope you enjoyed the flight and we hope to see you flying with us again, we will be commencing decent in 15 minutes-......."

I zoned out a bit after hearing the time and and distance from the airport, Fatigue and jet lag starting to set in even though I haven't even gotten of the plane.

My mind and body were not co-operating as my eyes started getting heavier and heavier, giving up on fighting it, I let sleep and darkness consume me until we landed.

Time Skip

I awoke to the sound of noisy chatter from other passengers getting their carry-on luggage from where ever it was placed.This led to the creation of 'walkway jam,' since no one is patient enough for the staff to open the plane door.

Once the door was open and everyone started making their way out, I finally got up, after arranging all of my belongings that I sat with back in the designated bags and waited for the way to clear up a bit.

Time Skip

Once I got out of the plane, I made a beeline for arrivals. Going through all the jazz of being searched, I made my way towards baggage collection, the conveyer wasn't moving yet so I just sat on my small suitcase waiting just like everyone else here.

Spotting a coffee shop in the corner of my eye, I thought having a coffee break while waiting wouldn't do anyone any harm. With my coffee in hand, I started scrolling through my instagram as I sipped on my coffee while I waited for my luggage.

Not even a minute later the loud and obnoxious beeping sound resonated throughout the entire area before suit cases came out one by one. Mine didn't finally show until 10 minutes later, once I had everything, I made my way towards customs.

The line wasn't to bad, I got my things checked and was able to be out within 20 minutes. Walking through the crowd of people that accumulated to greet their loved ones.

"Kim Jin-hee?!"

The suddenness of my name being called out shocked me, but nonetheless made a wave of relief rush over me as I saw my assigned guide walking towards me.


"Yes! that's me, welcome to The U.S of A"

Surprised by her fluent Korean must have reflected on my face as her smile got even bigger.

"Yeah I speak quite a few languages Russian, French, Dutch, Spanish, a bit of Mandarin, Korean and Kiswahili. Speaking of said languages we need to wait for 3 more students then we can head of to campus."

"Oh ok"

Heading over to one of the seats, I pulled out my phone, messaging my mum and dad that I landed.

I've arrived

Oh thank goodness, how was your flight? Have you gotten through customs? Have you found the guide? Are you with anyone else?"

Touched by their love for me, I responded to all their questions, looking up to see if anyone else had arrived, I saw Jessica walking towards me with some people tagging along behind her. One of them had fiery red hair, Brown skin, with blue eyes, a round face and baggy clothing.

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