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Vampire AU

Jin-Nest Master(2020 years old)
Yoongi-Nest member(1920 years old)
Hoseok-Nest member(1720 years old)
Namjoon-Nest member(1680 years old)
Taehyung-Nest member(1420 years old)
Jungkook-Nest member(1320 years old)
Jimin-Soon to be nestling/Nest member(25 years old)

Jimin Pov

I woke up again for the second time to horrible nightmares and the freezing cold breeze circulating around the room I am forced to call my bedroom,

The basement.

I've lived in here for as long as I can remember only getting a slice of bread everyday with not even a half filled bottle of water to get 'nutrition' from.

The reason for my otherwise unknown existence to the outside world is due to our family dog drowning in the lake near our forest home, when I was little because I fell in and the dog was injured but helped me anyway.

It got me to the shore line before I drowned but I don't remember anything else other than black after that but when I woke up my parents had changed completely and blamed me for his death and how I should have thought my actions through.

After that day I was forced to live like a dog they took my clothes, put a collar on me, refused to let me talk to them or I would get punished and locked me up and only allowed me to go outside for walks and to use the 'bathroom,' they would be there to make sure I don't runaway.

I was currently trying to find out what to do to get out of here when all of a sudden there was a crash of things upstairs, screams, and a bark that sounded familiar and then there was silence.

The silence was so suffocating but then a sweet smell filled the air which made me feel less like I was in danger and more like I was rescued but only slightly.

I could hear foot steps making there way across the floor towards the basement floor, which off instincts caused me to back up into wall on the other side of the dark and dingy room.

They came to stop outside the door before it was kicked open and there stood a figure and a dog next to what looks like a man or a reasonably built woman.

After a few seconds the dog came to sit at my feet and lick my leg I flinched at first but once I caught a glimpse of the collar my world just stopped.

I reached out to make sure I wasn't hallucinating, but when my hand came in contact with the collar and read over it was really him, haneul was really there I hugged him and started to bawl my eyes out in relief but sadness cause I never fought against what my parents did cause I believed them.

I must have been to busy crying to realize that I was being covered with a coat and lifted of the floor and into strong and firm arms.

At this point I didn't care about what was going on, I even grabbed onto this stranger and buried my face into their shoulder and they didn't push me away or drop me they actually held me tighter which was the first in a while.

As we walked out of the basement fatigue was starting to catch up to me because everything started to become blurry, I tried fighting it bit the last thing I heard was,

"Sleep little one you will need it."

Before the sweet smell from before filled my nose, lulling me off to sleep and everything went black.


My subconscious was awake and trying to open my eyes but they just wouldn't open, I tried moving the rest of my body but it felt like something holding me down, so like any normal human, I started to scream, thrash and shake violently.

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