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Dazai's P.O.V

I walked down the long hallway, the only light coming from the large multicolored stained glass window on my right.

I had finished everything that was needed to be done today in the Port Mafia so I figured I'd head to Bar Lupin for a drink and wait for Odasaku and Ango.

As I walked, I began to feel a another presence, the feeling of no longer being alone. I stopped and ducked quickly as a kick sailed through the air where my head had once been.

"Oh, looks like you missed, Chuuya." I straightening up and looking before me.

Landing in a crouching position was a boy with short red hair that came out from under a black pork pie hat. He stood and pinned me with a scowl.

"I'll kill you, you asshole!" He threatened, his hands in the pockets of his pants.

Nakahara Chuuya was a eighteen year old like myself. He had joined the Port Mafia about three years ago after being betrayed by his former organization, the Sheep.

We were partners in the mafia, meaning we worked together most of the time, even though we didn't always see eye to eye on things.

He was reckless, having a tendency to act before thinking, even at the cost of himself. His ability, For the Tainted Sorrow, allowed him to manipulate the gravity of himself or anything that touched him.

"Oh? Wouldn't you be doing me a favor then?" I said with a smirk. "If you can make it painless then I may consider your generous gesture."

Chuuya made a confused look. "Generous?" He questioned before returning to his previous scowl. "For what you did, I'll make it hurt like hell!"

"And what exactly did I do?" I asked, playing it off like didn't know what it was he was angry about.

"You know damn well what you did, you piece of shit! Because of you, Kouyou is under the impression I crossdress after I get home from work because I'm jealous of how she looks!"

I beamed. "Oh yeah! I remember telling her that. You should have seen the sparkle in her eyes when I told her. Who knew she would get so excited to learn about something like th-"

Chuuya came at me with another kick. I ducked and moved forward as he landed behind me, both of us back to back.

"You know, Chuuya, there's no way I'd let you get one on me," I mockingly say straightening up once again. "Especially not from someone with a pork pie on their head."

"Hat. Pork pie hat, Dazai." I felt him turn around so he was facing my back. "How many times do I have to te-"

I turned around quickly and cut him off by pressing my lips against his, my unbandaged eye staring into his surprised ones. I smirked into the kiss and pushed Chuuya back into one of the large pillars, earning me a grunt from the red haired boy.

I deepened the kiss as Chuuya tilted his head slightly, allowing me better access. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and we fought for control. His arms snaked around my neck while I held him around the waist, our bodies being pulled closer together.

Our Destiny (Bungo Stray Dogs Soukoku)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now