Chapter 6- Was it Destiny Or Fate?

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There is some sexual content in this chapter.

"So they're targeting the people they had already kidnapped?" Yosano asked from her seat.

We had come back to the Agency where Kunikida called a meeting to discuss what we had learned from the victims of the kidnappings and the death of Mr. Noguchi.

"That's what it seems," Kunikida said as he stood at the head of the table. Next to him was the projected images that were taken of the scene at the prison. "Not only that but Dazai believes we may be dealing with a Gifted group."

"I believe one of them may have an ice ability, which in turn, allowed them to turn water in Mr. Noguchi's cell into an icicle to stab him," I said from my seat as I doodled on a piece of paper. "I think another Gifted may have the ability to mess with the minds and memories of other people."

"You mean like how all the people that were abducted could barely remember anything about what happened during their kidnappings?" Atsushi asked from the seat beside me.

"Exactly like that," I said putting down my pencil and leaning back in my chair, my hands behind my head.

"That probably explains why they had turned against the person they loved most," Jun'ichiro said quietly from across the table.

"I would never turn on you, Big Brother," Naomi said throwing her arms around his neck. "I could never harm you and I'd forgive you for any sin you've made."

"Naomi! Do you really have to say things like that here?" Jun'ichiro said as he tried release himself from her grip but to no avail.

"But it's true, you know that, right, Big Brother?" She said as her hands started to travel to other places. "Or do you need me to prove it to you?" She leaned in towards him.

"So, someone had placed false memories in their heads, but why?" Kenji asked looking at Kunikida as we ignored the Tanizakis.

"That's a good question. From the victims Dazai and I talked with, there seemed to be at least one that was conscious while the other was not," he said pushing up his glasses.

"Kyoka and I came to the same conclusion," Atsushi said looking at the girl next to him. "It was the same with all of them. The one awake heard multiple voices while the unconscious one didn't remember anything after they had been taken."

"It doesn't help our situation. Do we know who and when they plan to strike next?" President Fukuzawa asked from the far side of the table as he looked at Kunikida.

Kunikida looked down at the pages he held in front of him. "Unfortunately not, Sir. Not knowing their motive or what else they are capable of, we aren't completely sure on how to take action."

"Not only that but we have no suspects that could be questioned," Yosano added in, crossing her arms.

"Even something as small as a warning to the others who were held captive could save them," the President said before slowly standing up. "I suggest having them placed somewhere they can be protected at all times until the perpetrators are caught."

"I'll contact the police department right away, Sir," Kunikida said as he bowed his head.

"Very good," he looked around at all the agents. "This plan is in full effect. With that, this meeting is dismissed."

"Mr. Kunikida, I have a question, however, it doesn't involve the case," Atsushi said before anyone could move to leave. All eyes were on him. "I noticed that Ranpo hasn't been around the last few days, I was just curious as to if he was okay?"

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