Chapter 4- The Pursuit of Happiness

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The room was bright as the sunlight peaked through the partially open curtains of my bedroom window.

Wait. Sunlight? There couldn't be sunlight this early in the morning, I had an alarm set for work before dawn, so it had to be something else.

I felt cold, no warmth from the other body that should have been against mine. Dazai must have gotten up, which means he could have turned on the light.

He use to do that all the time and a lot of the time he would also forget to turn off the light. I slightly opened my eyes and looked over at the clock on the bedside table that read- 10:29?!

I shot up, throwing the covers off of me before swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I was late for work by a few hours. Why hadn't my alarm gone off? I remember setting it yesterday before I went out shopping.

I looked at the clock and noticed that the alarm had been deactivated. "What the hell? Why has my alarm been-"

"Good morning, Chuuya!" I heard Dazai's voice say out of no where. I looked down at my phone that appeared to have had a voice message reminder set for 10:30.

"I hope you slept well, my love, I actually was able to catch a few Z's myself. Anyway, you may be wondering why your alarm had been turned off. Well, I thought you needed a little more time to rest so I deactivated it before I left this morning."

While I listened to his message I started to quickly get dressed for work. I stopped a few times to cuss him out as he knew it was going to make me late to work.

"I better get going. Oh! I made you some coffee and left it in the microwave for you. Now, I'm leaving, I love you and I'll most likely see you tonight. Bye, Chuuya!" His voice was cheery as he said the last few parts. The line went dead as the message ended.

I couldn't help but smile as I finished buttoning up my vest and adjusting my bolo tie. Even though that idiot deactivated my alarm, hearing him say those things did make my day seem better.

I went into the bathroom to fix my hair and winced at myself in the mirror. My neck was littered with hickeys but they were luckily covered by the collar of my shirt. My problem was the one Dazai had left on my jaw. I could probably play it off as a bruise to several of my subordinates but it wouldn't get past the boss.

I sighed, knowing he would probably figure out the one who did it. That wouldn't look good for me considering the Port Mafia were rivals with the Armed Detective Agency. I'd had to figure out something to tell him before I got to work.

I quickly brushed my hair, making sure to lay the longer part on my left shoulder. I walked back into the bedroom and opened the top drawer of my bedside table. I pulled out a pair of black gloves since I tossed my pair from yesterday somewhere in the living room. I'd have to look for them later when when I got home.

I slipped them on as I made my way out of the room and down the hall to the living room. I walked into the kitchen and noticed the mug in microwave. I opened the door and took the mug in my hand before looking into the cup.

"There is no way he could still not know how to make coffee after four years," I said to myself, bringing the mug to my lips and taking a sip.

I regretted my decision and quickly spit it back into the mug. "Nope, just got worse." I winced at the taste that still lingered in my mouth as I poured the awful substance, which didn't deserve to be called coffee, into the sink. "Not only is it bad but it's cold, what time did he leave this morning?"

I put the mug in the sink then looked at the clock on the microwave. I didn't have time to make any coffee, so I'll just get something from the break room at work.

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