Chapter 33. Real feelings

Start from the beginning

So it was true that there was something between the king and his mate. How dared she do this to him? Was the social standing more important than him, her rightful mate? To be the lover of the king was more important than becoming his Luna? These were the thoughts his mind kept thinking of, before passing out.

At this time Salas was looking at Celia's face, he was studying her expression, trying to find if there was even a hint of an emotion, but he could not see any.

If a werewolf that had been cheated on decided to sever a bond, normally, she or he would not suffer. The Goddess allowed the phantom pains for a cheated werewolf to make sure of one's fidelity.

The stronger the pain, the more and conclusive a werewolf was cheated on, but when that werewolf would sever the sick bond, the Goddess took back the pain. The innocent werewolf felt nothing, nothing would hurt her or him physically, but mentally she or he would still suffer if she loved her or his partner.

The fact that Celia was not suffering, meant that she was not in love, calming down Salas for good.

Ignoring Rayan, Celia passed by him with Salas following behind. The situation had been an unexpected one, but she was happy to have the bond severed.

She walked until the door and was about to enter the bathroom to change her clothes, when she turned around.

"Your highness?" Celia shyly asked.

"Yes!" Salas immediately replied.

"Umm this is the women's bathroom." She gently whispered.

Salas looked around him and noticed that he was about to enter with her. His face froze and he immediately took a step back.

"I am sorry! Please go on ahead!" He quickly apologized, and she seemed to notice a tinge of red on his ears.

Hearing these words from him, she instantly turned around and entered the bathroom, then closed the door behind her. His face was too deadly to be seen up close.

She quickly changed into her previous dress and finally had a minute to process what happened. Salas may have wanted to help her just now, but the words he used. Why would he say she was his?

She could not fathom his thoughts, but she felt it was for the best to leave the palace, the sooner the better, before something out of her control happened.

Finishing changing her clothes, she exited the bathroom, but was surprised to find Salas still there, he had his hands crossed in front of his chest and his back was leaned on the wall.

Thankfully, at least Rayan was nowhere in sight.

Seeing her in the doorway, Salas cleared his mind and quickly came to her side, taking hold of her arm.

The warmth of his hand and the electrifying tingles she was feeling through her skin sent shivers through her heart.

She wanted to say something, but there was no chance to, because as soon as he held her hand firmly, he started walking away. They walked a few steps, when she finally spoke.

"Your highness the ballroom is in the other direction!" She exclaimed confused, noticing he was leading her away.

"It is alright, there is no need to stay longer!" Salas reasoned.

"But your highness's guests, they have not left yet! The maids said the ball would continue until after midnight, do you not have to stay until then? We are leaving too quickly!" She said raising her voice, as she was at the same time trying to keep up with his large strides. It seemed as though he wanted to leave before someone noticed their prolonged absence.

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