Duncan Robinson

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title: jealous

"Oh my god are you serious?" I say with tears falling from laughter. "Yes" my co-worker Jack laughs. "You actually tried to fight him? He's HUGE" I laugh. "Yes! I was shitfaced" He says holding his stomach. "Well Jack, I gotta go. Gotta get home to Duncan." I say as I smile, thinking about my boyfriend.

"Alright bye y/n. Have a good night" He says. "You too" I say. With that I walk out of the building. I begin the short distance to my car. Once I get there, I see my reflection in the glass window. I look rough. My hair is a mess. My makeup is smudged. It was a rough day. I own a salon and customers have been complaining all day.

Finally, I get to go home. I get to go home and relax. I'm gonna see Duncan and after a long day, that's all I want. Eventually, after what seemed like forever, but was really 20 minutes, I see our house come into view. A smile covers my face. I pull into the driveway and turn my car off. I get out, leaving everything except for my phone. I slip it into my pocket and walk to the door.

I turn the knob, and immediately I am hit by the smell of Duncan's cologne and the wax melts we use. I see him standing in the kitchen. I shut the door quietly and sneak up behind him. I wrap my arms around his waist, causing him to jump. He turns around quickly, and a wave of relief washes over his face.

"Hi babygirl" He says with a smile. "Hey D" I say, melting into his arms, smiling as I feel warmth wash over me. "How was work?" He asks. "Long and stressful" I respond. "How was practice?" I ask him. "It was great. I scored like 20 3's in a row and didn't miss any" He says, clearly proud of himself. "Thats amazing babe! You're such an amazing player I have no doubt in my mind you could do that every day" I say smiling.

"Well, you seem to be in a good mood. Something good must have happened" He says. "Well I talked to Jack while I cleaned the salon. He helped." I say smiling. "oh." He says as he lets go and walks away. "Yeah. He was telling me this story about how one time he tried to fight this huge dude while he was drunk." I laughed. "Thats cool babe" He says dryly, as if he wasn't listening.

"You okay D?" I ask. His whole mood changed when I brought up Jack. "Yep. Fine." He says quickly and walks back into the kitchen. I walk behind him. "Duncan." I say. "What?" He snaps. "What's wrong with you?" I ask. "Who's Jack?" He finally says. "My co-worker Duncan! What the hell did you think?" I say my voice slowly getting louder.

"I'm sure." He says sarcastically. "Duncan what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I question, my anger rising. "It means don't lie to me. Tell me what he really is!" He says back. "HE IS MY CO-WORKER DUNCAN" I yell and storm up to our shared bedroom. I lock the door and collapse onto the bed, sobbing. Does he really think I would do that to him? I hear footsteps approach the door.

"Babe.." I hear him say sadly, his voice full of regret. The doorknob jiggles. "Please let me in" He says. "Go away Duncan." I sniffle. "Baby please.. I'm sorry I yelled" He says. Although I hate when he yells, that's not why I'm upset. I continue to lay there, Trying to calm down. I get up and open the door, his sad eyes looking at me. "I'm sorry.." He says.

"Duncan do you really think I would cheat on you..?" I ask him. "No babe. I don't think that. I just- I love you so much and I'm so scared you'll find someone better. You're the person I want to be with and I don't want you to find someone else because there are so many other guys who are so much better than me and I don't want you to leave me for someone better" He says, looking at the ground.

"Duncan are you crazy?" I ask him in disbelief. "There isn't anyone better than you. You are who I want to be with. YOU, Duncan. I love you more than anything. I won't ever be able to find someone better. You don't need to worry about me leaving you. I'm never gonna hurt you. And thats a Promise." I say confidently. "I love you babe. And I'm sorry" He says, pulling me into his arms. "I love you too" I say,my voice muffled by his chest since I am a good bit shorter than him.

"Why don't we go get some dinner? Then we can come back here and do whatever you want." Duncan suggests. "That sounds great babe" I say with a smile. "I'm gonna change" I say, walking to my closet. I pick out a pair of jeans and one of his hoodies. I throw my hair up into a bun and put my glasses on. "Ok, I'm ready" I say as I walk into the living room, seeing Duncan on the couch.

"Alright, lets go. You look cute" He says grabbing my hand. "Thanks I didn't really try" I laugh. "No effort and you're still the most gorgeous girl ever. Wow am I lucky?" He smiles. "Oh hush" I laugh and playfully his his arm, my cheeks flushing red. We get in the car and the ride to the restaurant is pretty quiet. We just sit in comfortable silence. We get there and order. After we eat, we go home and just watch movies and cuddle.


So I thought this was super cute! Duncan is literally precious and I love him! More imagines are coming! I have pages and pages of Ideas! But y'all should request! I love writing for you guys! ❤️ Love Y'all!

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