Austin Herro

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title: shes new here

SO! This is different from what I usually write, but I think Austin is literally so cute :) So, for this one high school boy, I'll make an exception! I hope y'all like it :)

First day at a new school. Totally not scary, right? No. Its insanely scary. A huge new building in a new city. Not knowing where any of my classes are. I'll have to ask someone. I decide to push my fears away as I step onto the large, unfamiliar campus of Whitnall High School.

"Good morning. What can I help you with" I hear as I walk into the office. I see an older woman sitting behind a computer. "Yes, ma'am. I need my schedule. I just transferred here." I say with a smile. "Oh, yes. What's your name, honey?" "Y/n y/l" I say. "Yep, here it is. Let me get it printed for you." she says as her nails clack on the keyboard.

"I'm gonna call a student up here to kinda- Show you around. Is that alright?" She asks, ready to pick her phone up and call a student. "No, thanks. I'm gonna try and learn myself. Thank you, though" I politely decline her offer. I figure if I was late, teachers would understand and I could get more familiar with the Campus.

She hands me a sheet of paper with my schedule, and I see it's my exact schedule, just different teachers. I smile when I see gym. It had always been my favorite class. Basketball and Volleyball have always been my favorite sports and in gym, I could practice both. I see that English is upstairs, so I begin to go up there. Once I reach the top of the stairs, I run into someone. I lose my balance, and almost fall back, but I feel two large hands grab my small ones. I am pulled forward, and I take a few steps up, following the boy.

"I'm so sorry. You good?" He asks. "Yeah, uh. I'm fine. Thanks for catching me." I say. "No problem." With that, he lets go, and I walk away, embarrassed. I put my earbuds in and try to find my class. Eventually, I see the classroom, but I'm a few minutes late. When someone lets me in, I see the boy from the stairs at that back of the room taking notes. I pull my left earbud out and listen to the teacher tell me where to sit and about the class. My seat is almost in the direct middle of the class, but the teacher says thats changing on Monday, so I'm relieved.

"whos that?" I hear a whisper behind me. "shes new here" someone replies. I keep facing forward and taking my useless notes when a ball of paper lands on my desk. I pick it up and unball it. Inside, i see some scribbled writing snd doodles. I ignore the doodles of basketballs and stick men, and read the writing.

"Can I talk to you after class?" -Austin. (The guy from the stairs)

⬛️ No Yes

I toss the paper back onto his desk. The class seems to drone on forever and after what seemed like years, but was only an hour and a half, the bell rang, signaling the end of first period. I stood outside the door, waiting for the tall boy.

Once I saw him walk out I stood there. His eyes scanned the crowded hallway, and eventually landed on me. I feel a stare and when I look up, I meet his eyes. He walks over to me with a smile. "Hey." he says. "Hi, Austin" I say with a nervous giggle. "So, you never told me your name." He says, a cheeky grin playing on his features. "Oh. Yeah, it's y/n." I say, embarrassed about storming out earlier.

"So, y/n what brings you to Whitnall?" He asks me. "Oh, ya know. Family stuff.." I trail off. "Oh. Uhm- You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He says, with a twang of what sounds like regret. "No, it's fine" I fake a smile. "My mom just, got a new job. So we came here." I lied. Why did I really move? My parents got a divorce.

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