Remember That

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A woman is laying on the hospital bed and still not gaing her consciousness after 2 weeks and there is a man who's still waiting for her to wake up.

His hand is holding her soft hand and kiss it.

"Please wake up, love, I miss you,"

And he still does not get any response.

And he is still crying seeing her condition.

"It's my fault,"

If only he drove carefully on that night, this will not be happening.

"It's not your fault adeul,"

Her father comes in with Mrs Park.

Mr Park:
"Don't blame yourself.. I am pretty sure Sooyoung will not like it Sungjae ah,"

Mrs Park:
"Just have some food, I make your favourite marinated beef and pickles.. you lose your weight already,"

"I don't have the will and appetite to eat abeonim, omonim..not until she regain her conciousness,"

Mrs Park:
"Don't be like that.. just eat some food to get energy.. you need to be strong so that uri Sooyoung will be stronger Sungjae ah,"

He lets out a sigh.


After 2 weeks....

She finally regain her consciousness but.....

"Omma, appa, who is that guy?" she points her finger to Sungjae.

And all of them surprise to hear Joy's question.

"Ya, Sooyoung ah is this real? " Wendy asks.

"Oh? Why unnie? Do you know him?"

"Ani.. I shouldn't forget him,"


"He is your husband.. Yook Sungjae,"

And they left both of them to be alone after the doctor's consultation.

"In some cases, there is a possibility for the patience to forget someone who is very precious to that patience.. She will remember again but it takes time,"

"Sooyoung ah,"

"Owh, waeyo hmm Sungjae ssi? "

He smiles bitterly hearing that.

"You used to call me oppa, Sooyoung ah,"

"Owh? Are you older than me?"

"Of course.. I am your one year older oppa,"

"Owh.. I am sorry... but I hope you understand my situation for the time being,"

"Ara.. but just call me Sungjae at least.. not Sungjae ssi.. it hurts me..can you?"

"Oh? Arasso Sungjae," she smiles to hear his soft voice.

"That is good then.. and I am glad that I could see that beautiful smile again,"

He goes near to her and kisses her forehead.

"Please.. remember me again Park Sooyoung,"

And Joy's heart racing like crazy to hear that husky voice and to feel the pleasant kiss.

She feels peaceful and safe when he put her into his embrace.

"I.. I will try Sungjae,"

"Yes... you should and I will wait for that moment,"

THE SWEETEST LOVE  [ONE SHOT]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt