Missing You

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"I am sorry Sooyoung ah! I think we need to end this,"

"But we did not even start anything yet!" she yells with her shaking voice.

"Oh yes.. that's why.. we did not start anything but I guess we still need to end this.. Goodbye,"

He coldly turns his back to her and walks to leave her alone.

And of course.. she cries as she knows that he is struggling too.. She knows that this is not his wish.. She knows the reason is.. He wants to protect her.. Like always...

Sungjae on the other hand crying alone in the car after all the heart broken words he tells to Joy. He tries hard to not cry infront of her. Only God knows how aches his heart is to see her swollen eyes. How he holds himself from hugging her.

"Mianhe Sooyoung ah.. I don't think this will work for us..at least for know...,"


She tries hard to forget him but it is not as easy as she thought. She thought by keeping herself busy, she will eventually forget him.. But she's wrong. It reminds her of him even more during her hectic schedules. His words and presence that always make she strong.

She is alone in her dorm after finishing her drama shooting. Her members have their own schedules.
And she is alone again tonight with a few can of beer.

Even beer will remind Joy of him.

She cannot find the right way to forget him. She already drank after 3 bottles of beer when she pressing his number out of her consciousness.

And just like she thought, this man will never pick up her call.

So she left him with several voice messages, hoping that he will hear them.

Sungjae is also in his dorm with Sami in his bed. He is staring to the ceilings while patting his beagle cat. Out of sudden he hears his phone vibrates.

And he cannot believe his eyes that Joy is calling him after 3 months of their break up. He wonders why but still he does not pick up her calls. He does not want to give any false hopes. Prevention is better than cure. He thought.

But his curiousity rising up with the 6 missed calls from her. And he receives several voice messages from her.

He decides to listen to them, as at least he can hear her honey voice again.

The first one..

"Oppa, how are you?  You must be doing good right?"

*I am not Joyiah* he answers to himself.

He lets out a sight knowing that she is drunk.

Second voice message..

"I know that you will not pick up my call..but still..," and she cries.

*I am sorry Joyiah*


"I miss you oppa..so much.. I can't forget you..how come do you easily *sobs* forget me?"

*I miss you even more than you do and you have no idea how my mind always remember you*


"You know what ?*sobs* I am drinking alone tonight at our dorm kekeke,"

*Ah still the stubborn Park Sooyoung*

"Can you come to me oppa? At least this time..I need you..I want to hug you again*sobs* I am begging you oppa.. chaebal..the passcode is 367102539,"

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