Chapter one. Think before you speak

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Kalels POV

I sat across the grass from where Jason was standing, with the group of the local pot heads and jocks.

I couldn't quite hear what he was saying as I read my new book.
Yes I am reading...

" guys don't believe me?." I heard Jason say to one of the guys.

I dropped my head back to my book.

"Just you wait...i'll show you how cool I actually am.." Jason said sitting down on the Bench.

Tyler, the football caption, just shook his head as he sat down on the opposite side of Jason.

I closed my book and put it in my book bag, it was decorated with cute kittens with mustaches...anyways enough about my bag.

I walked up to Jason.

"You ready to go? I'm sure Jules is waiting for us by the bridge."

He nodded and sat up.

We walked almost half a mile till I saw Juliet's dark blond hair.

I grabbed hold of Jason's arm and ran to Jules.

"Finally, do you know how long I've been waiting?." Jules asked, she seemed relived but still agitated.

I shrugged and we began to walk to our friend Finns house.

When we reached his huge three story home we knocked on his door.

Not even 10 seconds later Finn greeted us at the door.

"Hey guys, come in." he said with a smile.

we walked in and sawyer was already sitting on his couch.

He said nothing to any of us as we walked in....

Sawyer can be rude, but we know he isn't always like that...

"Hey you guys want cake?." Asked Finn.

"C'mon man isn't it obvious?." Jason said laughing.

Finn ran into the kitchen, we didn't even see him leave the room.

He must have gone at least 40 miles per hour, gosh that boys fast!

he came back at lighting speed, he put the cake on the counter.

Jason took a slice and sat down next to sawyer.

"Sup sawyer." said jason.

Sawyer was silent but shifted his head up.

"Alright, be like that then." Jason said giggling.

Sawyer still showed no emotion on his face.

You know I wonder why Someone like Finn hangs out with someone like sawyer.

Finns POV

Hmm this cake is great...

I sat up to run up to my bed room.

you know having super speed really makes life easy, but we can't do it around others who are not like us...

I picked up my phone and my hoodie.

Me and the gang were going to go out to the woods, somewhere were no one goes.

Well except us that is.

I walked back down stairs.

"Alright guys, ready to go?."

Everyone nodded and we walked outside.

It was already dark out which made everything just that more perfect.

Juliet's POV

Finn jingles his keys to his car and he unlocked it.

We all pilled into the car.

as we arrived to our destination I pulled my gray hoodie over my head.

Today was a very...very cold night.

I was happy to be at the woods.

This is like heaven to us... only were not dead.

This is the place we can actually be free and not be in fear that someone will find out our powers.

Sawyers POV

These people are to loud! I can't even hear myself think.

They act like little children.
They could use their abilities for something.
Not just hide like scared mice in the shadows, not showing their powers.

But hey, being as sexy as I am, I that could be a power all on its own.
The girls comes crawling to me after every smooth word that flows out my mouth.

I touched the tree I would be sitting under.

As I watched the tree began to freeze.

"Really dude, I hope no one thinks to much of that." said Finn.

"Puh leeeez." it will be melted by this morning.
I admired what I had created and took a seat next to kalel and Juliet.

For a whinny little bi🍪ch she's actually pretty hot.

Next thing I know she uses her powers, practicing I guess.


AN: okay guys I hope this wasn' bad, :()

Ps the first character picture I put was kalel !

Mkay thanks everyone I will publish again maybe tomorrow

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