Sirippile Un Sirippile

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Both Kathir and Mullai slept peacefully enough..

But the next day they for the most part kept out of each other's way..This was easy considering that Kathir was to be in the shop till noon..

After he came back home he went in for a nap...mostly Mullai joined him...even if she didn't sleep she would read a book or watch videos

But this day she remained outside..

As for Mullai she wanted him to take the lead and he hadn't called her she stayed out...putting Saadhana to sleep..and chatting with Dhanam

Neither took offense...both understood the need to be alone with their thoughts...both needed the time..

Mullai couldn't help wondering again and again why Kathir should feel this way about Ashok...he had come one day to inform about the wedding..and 2 more times..once to invite and once on diwali...on a hunch she checked her chat history..hardly anything there...he had shared the pic he had taken of them on diwali and a few pic of theirs...she had thanked more goodbye message when he was leaving back for work...nothing there also..

And she realised there was no way Kathir would have taken her mobile without her permission...but even if he had innocently used her mobile for something else he couldn't have found anything...

On a hunch she checked Chaaru's window..and she was fact she wished Kathir had seen this...coz most of Chaaru's messages were about how highly Ashok had spoken of Kathir...and how handsome a couple they made and how she was dying to meet them and acquaint herself with her Kathir Anna..

Mullai didn't fact this was an insult to the man she had married and to herself..

She decided to let it be...

Inside the room Kathir sat thinking

He really wished he had had the sense to be open with her and discuss the issue...from what he understood 4 days without her at home and he had been ready to reconcile with her...use her birthday as an excuse to reconnect...even saravana in the shop ribbed him about excited he had been to meet her...something had happened in the afternoon..nobody knew what..apparently he had not spoken but he had been upset..terribly so...what could have happened

And how did Ashok fit into all this..he was not even in the country apparently for her birthday...

He wondered why he was thinking about this and he realised...that by blurting it out he had let Mullai now she knew as well..

He was sure he would recollect all of it once he regained his memory...

But would he remember to convey it to her...if it was major she deserved to know...but his version then had brushed it under the carpet...there was no guarantee he would openly discuss it after the memory was regained whenever that was...

She had a right to know especially after how she so innocently asked yetha pathi when he said no more discussion on this..she believed him more than he did himself...and she deserved to know the truth when he had access to it...she wouldn't ask he knew...that was the amount of faith she had on him..

Even if it was not what he thought she should know just for her own peace of mind..

But how could he be sure that he would remember this decision of his when he regained his memory...

He sat wondering...

And that's when it struck him...

A list of To Do that he would jot down someplace...A diary just wouldn't do he might not remember that he wrote in a diary..

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