Chapter 24: Crisis on Earth X Part 1.

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What happened a few months later? Will Barry and Kara's relationship be intact?

A few months later...

Barry and Kara had finally said 'I love you' to each other. They have been visiting each other on one another's Earth after being trapped in the musical. Wally and Jesse's relationship has also been going great, much to Wells' disprovement. Then all of a sudden, out of the blue, Wallt proposed to Jesse and she said yes! A speedster wedding. Wedding invitations were sent out across the multiverse. Kara, Alex, and J'onn were sent some. So were Team Legends and Arrow.

"So, Kid Flash and Jesse Quick are getting married. What about you and Barry?" Alex asked. "I don't know. I would love yo get married but not now. We just had a development with our relationship, and I don't want to jeopardise that right now" Kara replied. "So, what are you going to wear to woo Barry?" Alex asked. "I don't want to wear anything that good, but I would like to wear something good" Kara said.

Back on Earth 1 in Starling City, Team Arrow were getting ready. And in Central, the wedding was getting prepared. It was in a big church with Wally and Jesse in their individual rooms.

Meanwhile on another Earth within the multiverse... there was trouble brewing. They were wearing black, with masks, and some of them look strangely familiar. They were ready to come to Earth 1, but why?

Barry was throwing a bachelor party for Wally which included Wells, Diggle, Oliver, J'onn, Ronnie, Stein, Mick and Ray. And Felicity was throwing a bachelorette party for Jesse which included Thea, Sara, Alex, Kara and Caitlin. The parties were wild and everyone was having fun. Then the fun was interrupted by the Star Labs alarm. Caitlin called Barry. Once Barry heard what she said, he called for Kara and Oliver for backup. Barry and Kara got there before Oliver, and were waiting for him. Then finally, he arrived on his motorbike. "Just a reminder: superspeed, I don't have it" he said.

Then trouble arrived. Three people, two dressed in black and wearing masks, and the other was in yellow, a familiar yellow to Barry. "Who are you?" Oliver asked. "Why, we're you" the archer said. They all revealed themselves as Kara, Oliver and Eobard Thawne. "What the hell is going on?" Kara asked. "We are from Earth X. And your Earth is next to be conquered. Where I'm from, they call me Overgirl" Overgirl said. "And they call me the Dark Archer" he said. "Whatever you have planned, you won't succeed" Oliver said. Barry was staring at Thawne with hatred and rage. "I saw you die! How are you alive?!" Barry shouted. "Well, surprise. Time travel is a very difficult thing to understand. Now, let's be thankful I'm still here" Thawne said.

Barry had just enough of hearing his voice, so he charged at him at his fastest. Oliver pulled back an arrow and aimed at evil Kara. "Arrows can't hurt me" she said. "Oh, but this one will" he said. He shot the arrow and the evil Kara was hit. "Ah! Kryptonite" she said. "Why do you have a kryptonite arrow?" Supergirl asked. "In case an evil you showed up!" Oliver shouted. Supergirl and Green Arrow were fighting their doppelgangers. Barry wasn't holding anything back. Overgirl and the Dark Archer were getting beat, when they saw Barry about to kill Thawne. "No matter how many times you come back, you'll always regret it" he said.

"Go on, kill me. For Eddie. For Nora" Thawne said. Barry started to vibrate his hand and was moving it towards Thawne's chest. Then Kara shouted "Barry, stop! Don't do this!". Once Barry heard her words, he snapped back into reality. Once Barry realised what he almost did, he hated himself and left. Then the Earth X people left. "Oh, Barry" Kara said.

The next day, it was the wedding of Jesse and Wally. Everyone was in Star Labs, having a toast, but Barry wasn't there. "Hey, so what happened last night?" Alex asked. Kara and Oliver looked at each other and decided not to tell them about their doppelgangers and what happened with Barry. "Oh, just some stupid people robbing a bank. Nothing special" Oliver said. "Hey, where's Barry?" Caitlin asked. "Um, he's just preparing his best man speech" Kara replied.

Everyone was at the church, Wally was at the alter, Ronnie replacing Barry cause he didn't arrive. And Caitlin was Jesse's maid of honour. Kara was singing Running Home to You. While she was singing, she saw Barry and smiled. When she finished, everyone stood up and Wells was walking his daughter down the aisle. They held hands, and after exchanging vows, the priest said "You may now kiss the bride". Just as they were about to kiss, lasers were shot and killed the priest. Then Overgirl, the Dark Archer and some of their goons crashed the wedding. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me" Jesse said.

Everyone was fighting, Kara fighting Overgirl and Oliver fighting Dark Archer, with everyone else fighting their goons. Barry, Wally and Jesse were using their speed to stop bullets from hitting civilians. Everyone was fighting. Kara clapped her hands together to create a powerful wind current which blew Overgirl into the walls. The Dark Archer grabbed her and said "This isn't over!". He then fled, and so did everyone else. Once they left, everyone was looking around the church, and it was completely trashed. It was ruined.

Everyone went back to Star Labs to regroup. "What happened? Who were they?" Caitlin asked. Then Oliver, Kara and Barry decided to tell them what they happened the previous night. "The archer and Overgirl are us" Oliver said. "What do you mean, like they're your doppelgangers?" Stein asked. "Yeah. They say their from an Earth called Earth X" Kara said. "And they look like Nazi's. Great" Sara said with sarcasm. "Hey guys, I caught one!" Wells shouted. Wells put the captured Nazi into the meta prison, and left him there. "So, what are we going to? What if they come back?" Diggle asked. "We just have to be ready" Oliver said.

Meanwhile, Overgirl and Dark Archer were talking. "Don't worry my love, you'll have your new heart soon" he said. They put their plan into action. Everyone was at Star Labs, pondering what to do next. Kara went to talk to Barry what happened with Thawne. "Hey, Barry" she said. But Barry didn't want to look at her. "I understand if you don't want to tell me, but always remember that I love you" she said, while hugging him. Barry started to drop tears. "Thawne was the one who took my mother from me and killed Eddie. So my anger just took over me. I thought he was dead" Barry said. "If you want to talk some more, I'll be with the others" he said, then walked off.

Barry was left stewing, then he heard an explosion. When he went to see what happened, he saw that the Nazi's had kidnapped everyone. But they left the one they captured. Barry was the only one left.

Team Arrow, Team Flash, Team Legends and Alex and J'onn were put into concentration camps. While Kara was strapped to a bed, laced with red sun lights. "What's happening?" she asked. Then Overgirl came over to tell her. "We're prepping you for surgery. Because I'm going to have your heart. Good thing too, your heart is wasted on a pathetic being like you. By the way, I wonder why you're dating that sad sack of human like Barry Allen" she said. This made Kara very angry. "If you touch him, I swear I'll kill you!" Kara exclaimed. "Oh don't worry, it'll be over quick" Overgirl said.

Back at Star Labs, Barry was left wondering what to do. He walked over to the prison to talk to the Nazi they had. "Where is everyone? Tell me!" Barry shouted. The Nazi took his mask off and he revealed himself as a someone who Oliver had lost.

Will Barry be able to save everyone? Will they be able to survive this threat from Earth X?

To be continued...

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