Chapter 14: Wally West/ Kid Flash.

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A guy's hand was vibrating. "Oh God! What's happening to me?" he asked. Then a man approached him. "Here. This man can help you" they said in a distorted voice. Then he left in a flash. He handed a picture of Barry Allen.

Everyone at Star Labs were surprised when someone came through the portal from Earth 2. "My name is Jay Garrick. I am the Flash and I need your help" he said. "But I thought you died?" Wells questioned. "No, I wasn't. I was captured by Zoom. But I managed to escape and I ran and the next thing I know I'm... well here" Jay answered. Jay was wearing a metal helmet with lightning bolts on the sides, a red leather jacket with a lightning bolt down the middle and blue pants.

 Jay was wearing a metal helmet with lightning bolts on the sides, a red leather jacket with a lightning bolt down the middle and blue pants

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"Who is this Zoom?" Stein asked. "Zoom is an evil speedster on our Earth. He kidnapped my daughter" Wells replied. "Did you see her? Was she there?" he asked. Jay shook his head. "But that doesn't mean she's dead. I mean, it was dark and I could hardly see anything" Jay said trying to comfort Wells. "What about this thing.? Will it close or will more about up in Central City?" Caitlin asked. "Who knows. What I do know is that we need to be ready for whatever come through" answered Barry.

That night, a portal opened and someone came through. The portal then closed. Before anyone could see him, he turned... into sand and went down a drain. Who is this new meta-human from Earth 2?

It was the next day and Barry was in his lab at CCPD, finishing up some work. Jay was staying at his apartment. Barry was cleaning up his lab before going on his lunch break. He got coffee from Jitters and was heading back. The man with the vibrating hand was watching Barry, waiting for an opportunity. He ran over and pulled him into an alley. "Hey! Who are you?" Barry asked. "Wait, please! I need your help" he pleaded. "Why?" he asked. "Because I was told you could help me" he answered. He then showed Barry that his was vibrating. Once Barry saw this he said "Come with me". Barry called everyone to Star Labs.

"What's your name?" Wells asked. "Wally. Wally West" he replied. "Wait, West?" Barry asked. "Yeah. Why?" Wally asked, confused. "Nothing. So why was his hand vibrating?" Barry asked. "Well, it seems he has super speed. Like you and Jay" Wells replied. "Wait, what? Super speed?" Wally questioned. Barry and Jay showed Wally what he meant. "So you're the Fl... Flash?" Wally stammered. "Yes. But Jay here is from another Earth" Barry said. "Wait. Another Earth?" Wally asked. Everyone moaned because they had to tell Wally what they know, which can be exhausting to explain.

Once the multiverse was explained to Wally, he was mind blown. "Okay, so how did you guys get here?" he asked. "We each came through a portal. I came through the one in the basement" answered Jay. "Basement?" Wally asked. Wally was shown the portal in the basement. "What happens if something comes through?" he asked. "Don't worry" replied Wells, as he placed a small device down which created a barrier around the portal. "What was that?" Stein asked. "It'll stop anything coming through" Wells answered. Barry then got a text. "It's CCPD. I got a case. See ya" he said.

Barry headed to his new crime scene. It was found in the street. "Why's the body covered in sand?" Barry asked, confused. There was literally sand everywhere. All over the body. "So, what have we got today?" Capt asked. "Honestly, I have no idea. There's sand. I've never seen anything like this" Barry replied. "This city's getting weirder and weirder" said Capt. "Well, this guys known as Slick. A local thug. He's nothing special" Barry said. The body was sent to the coroner.

Meanwhile, Jay left Barry's apartment to get some air. It was late at night. Barry was in his lab, everyone else was at Star Labs doing more scans on Wally. Jay was walking down the street. Then he heard something strange. It was a sound that was familiar to him. Then someone who looked like Slick, who's meant to be dead! "Slick? Hello again" Jay said. "Slick? Slicks dead. Call me... Sand Demon" he said. He then fired powerful shots of sand at Jay. Jay landed into an abandoned building. It was dark. Jay's vision was poor. Back at Star Labs, the alarm went off. "What's that?" Wall asked. "Meta alarm" answered Caitlin. "Where?" Wells asked. Caitlin pulled up the location. She called Barry and Firestorm was on their way.

Barry arrived with Firestorm falling a bit behind. "Slick? You're supposed to be dead!" Barry exclaimed. "Name's Sand Demon!" Sand Demon shouted. Barry was using the Super Sonic Punch. But Jay shouted "Barry, wait!". As Barry went to punch Slick, his hand went right through his face. He turned into millions of grains of sand and turned back behind Barry. Barry got slammed into the walls. "So this Earth's Flash is just as weak as ours. Pathetic" he said. The Firestorm arrived. As he fired balls of fire at him, the Sand Demon turned into sand and escaped. "What was that?" Firestorm asked.

Back at Star Labs, they were analysing the fight with Sand Demon. "So I'm guessing this guy is from your Earth" suggested Caitlin. "Yeah. He calls himself Sand Demon. He can turn into sand and control it. He's very powerful" Jay replied. "He killed our earth's version of him. Why?" Barry asked. "I don't know. Didn't Atom Smasher kill his Earth 1 version?" he asked. "Yeah" Barry replied. "So how are we meant to fight someone who can become sand?" Ronnie asked. "If you're really the Flash from Earth 2, why didn't you use your speed?" Barry questioned. "Because Zoom took most of my speed. When he captured me, he was taking my speed. He almost got it all, but I managed to escape. I feel empty, I hardly have any speed left" Jay replied. "But I do know how we can fight him" said Jay. Caitlin took everyone to an abandoned Star Labs building. It hadn't been used in years.

"So what is it you know that can help us?" Stein asked. "It's a skill I learned on my earth. I call it the Lightning Blast" Jay said. Jay then spun around in a circle to gather lighting, then he released a lightning blast at the wall. "Woah!" almost everyone exclaimed. "That was something I like to call the Lightning Blast" Jay said, then he felt weak. "Woah, you okay?" Barry asked. "Yeah, it's just it's hard because I hardly have speed" answered Jay. "Can you teach us that?" Wally asked. "Us? It's just me" Barry said. "Why can't I learn it?" Wally questioned. "Because you're just a kid gifted speed, I know what I'm doing!" Barry exclaimed. Wally stood back and Jay was ready to teach Barry.

A few days later, they haven't been able to locate Sand Demon. Barry was still trying to master the Lightning Blast move from Jay, and Wally was pissed that he wasn't involved. Then the alarm went off in Star Labs. It was Sand Demon. "It's him! He's at the beach?" Caitlin said, confused. "Why?" Wells asked. "Doesn't matter. We're ready" Barry said, then he sped off. "Slick. Your time ends here!" he shouted. "Oh, it is. For you that is" Slick said. He turned into sand and then he created multiple Sand Demons. They surrounded Barry. They fired sand and it got in his eyes. "Ahhh! I can't see!" he yelled. "He needs help" Caitlin said. Firestorm was ready to go when Jay said "Wally, I know Barry said he doesn't want you to help but he does. He needs you. Here, I made you something". When Wally saw this he was ready to go.

Barry was getting beaten up by the multiple Demons. Then, a speedster appeared. It wasn't Jay, it was Wally. "Wally!?" Barry asked. "Yep. Let's try the Lightning Blast" he answered. Barry agreed. "Which ones the real one?" Firestorm asked. "Look for the one with no shadow" Wells answered. Once they found the real Sand Demon, Barry and Wally sped around him and fired Lightning Blasts. Sand Demon was hit and he turned into glass and shattered when he hit the ground. "Congrats guys, Sand Demons gone" Jay said.

Everyone went back to Star Labs. "Well, that was fun" Wally said. "Yeah. Nice suit by the way" Ronnie said. "Now you need a name" Stein said. "Well, me and Jay are the Flash, so you can be... Kid Flash" Barry said. "Kid Flash. I like it" Wally said, with a smile on his face. Barry put his hand out and said "Welcome, Kid Flash". "Thanks" Wally said.

Meanwhile on Earth 2...

There was a girl in a cage. And a person dressed in black approached her. "You'll never get away with this. My dad will find me" she said. "Let him. No one can defeat Zoom" he said.

Will Zoom be defeated and will Wells' daughter be saved? Is Team Flash strong enough to defeat him?

To be continued...

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