Chapter 18: Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost.

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"What's happening to me?" Caitlin asked herself. Her hand released a sort of cold mist, like Killer Frost. Did that little spark cause Frost's powers to transfer to Caitlin?

It has been a few days since Caitlin discovered she had Frost's powers. She started to worry. What if she couldn't control these new powers?

Everyone was started to get worried about Barry. He hadn't come to Star Labs since his dad died. The only time they've seen him, is when the Flash was needed. Barry was down. He lost his father when he was a kid, then he got him back, and then he lost him again, forever. He blames himself.

The one night, Caitlin was in bed with Ronnie. She woke up and walked out. She was in a trance. She was walking i the street, totally zoned out. Then someone came up to her. "Hey babe, why don't you come with me?" he asked. Caitlin turned to him and used her ice powers. She froze him like a popsicle. The next morning, Caitlin woke up, with no memory of what happened the previous night. She woke up in an alley, she turned round the corner and the cops surrounding the body. She quickly ran away. She ran back to her apartment where Ronnie asked "Hey, where did you go?". Caitlin was struggling to answer. "I uh went for a run" she replied. "Okay. Come on, Wells wants to see us" Ronnie said.

Everyone was at Star Labs, everyone except for Barry. "Barry's still not here?" Wally asked. Ronnie shook his head. "So, what's been going on?" Caitlin asked. "This" Wells answered. He pulled a video of what happened last night. Caitlin was shocked when she realised that was her. "Unfortunately, we can't see their face. But, what we do know is that they have the same powers as Killer Frost from Earth 2" Wells explained. Caitlin was relieved they couldn't see her face, but she was still scared these new powers will completely take her over.

"Well, maybe this is our version of Killer Frost" suggested Stein. "Maybe. What we do know that we need to find this person before she does any more damage" Wells said.

Caitlin left Star Labs to figure out what to do. "Maybe I should tell them? I'm their friend, they would want to help me" she kept telling herself. But she was scared that they would treat her like a villain. She looked at her hands and said to herself "If I don't want my friends to realise I have powers, I need to get them under control". She went to somewhere secret where she can practise controlling her new found powers.

It was a few days later, and Caitlin had been improving her powers. And she had been controlling her powers. Or so she had thought. Barry still hadn't returned to Star Labs in weeks. His friends started to get worried. Wally decided go see Barry at his apartment. He knocked on the door but there was no answer. "Barry? It's me. Can I come in?" Wally asked. But there was still no answer. Wall gave up and left. Barry was inside, sitting on his couch, watching a musical. When he was younger, he always watched musicals with his mom. A single tear dropped down his face because he felt like a failure as a hero.

That night, Caitlin decided to come clean because she thinks she has full control of her powers. As she was about to tell everyone, she felt a little light headed. "Woah, okay. That was weird" she said. "Hey guys. There's something I need to tell you" she said. "What is it?" Ronnie asked. Caitlin then showed them her powers. "What just happened?" Wells asked. "When Killer Frost was on this Earth, there was a little spark and I think somehow I got her powers" Caitlin replied. "Why didn't you tell us?" Ronnie asked. "Because I didn't want to be treated like a villain because I killed someone and I know I have to live with that but I have been practising controlling them. I promise" Caitlin explained. Then something started to happen with Caitlin. "Ahhh! What's happening to me?" she asked. "Caitlin. What's happening?" Stein asked. Caitlin stopped yelling, and then... she released powerful ice blasts which knocked everyone out.

Later, everyone woke up and discovered Caitlin was gone. "Cait! Cait, where are you?!" Ronnie asked. "We need to call Barry" Wally said. They tried to contact Barry, but he wouldn't answer. It went to voicemail. "Barry, Caitlin has become Killer Frost and we need your help. So please help, Barry" Wally said on the voicemail.

Caitlin was roaming in the city, saying "Hmmm, what should I do next?". Then Barry arrived. "Well, well. If it isn't the hero. Are you going to save me like you saved your father?" she said. "Caitlin, let me help you. This isn't you" pleaded Barry. "Sorry. Not working" she said. She fired ice at Barry, but he was able to dodge them. Barry knocked her out and placed her in the meta prison. "Barry, what are you doing?" Ronnie asked. "This is for her own good" Barry replied. "Oh come on Flash. You're helping me? I was once your friend and now I'm the new evil meta who's never going to leave" Caitlin said. "Are you sad because you're always going to be alone? That I had a happy ending and you didn't. Boo how, Barry" she said. Barry was hurt and left.

The next day, Caitlin was still in the prison. Barry was in the Time Vault. "Hey Gideon, do I have a happy ending?" Barry asked. "That, I am not programmed to tell you that. But you do meet a beautiful woman" Gideon answered. "Thanks" he said. Barry decided to do something that was dangerous and stupid. Barry released Caitlin from her cell. "Wow. So that's it? I'm free to go?" Caitlin asked. "Yes, you are. But, if you want to leave, you're going to have to kill me" Barry answered.

This was on the footage and everyone was watching. "What is he doing?" Jesse asked. "No no. It's okay. He'll get through to her" replied Ronnie. "For a smart guy, that was an awfully dumb move" she said. Caitlin created an icicle spear on her hand. She was getting ready to kill, but she was hesitant. "So? What are you waiting for? You're Killer Frost and I want to see some killing. Because this is what you do, you kill your friends because nothing matters to them, right? Right?" Barry asked, fiercely. The spear was right on Barry's heart. "Kill me, Caitlin" Barry said. Caitlin was Caitlin. Her powers stopped and the spear dropped and shattered. "Barry" she said. She then hugged him.

Barry and Caitlin walked back into the main area of Star Labs. "Cait, are you almight?" Ronnie asked. "Yeah, I'm fine" she answered. "Um listen, guys. I'm sorry that I haven't been here in weeks. It's because that I didn't want to lose anyone else because of me" Barry said. "Barry, what you've got to remember is that we know you've lost people closest to you but we've got each other now. We're in thsi together" Caitlin said. "Thanks" he said. Everyone hugged one another.

Meanwhile on Earth 38...

Kara Danvers was in CatCo, working. Being Cat Grant's assistant is tough, even for Supergirl. Then, the computers and TV's were shorting out. Then, someone came out the TV. "Who are you?" Kara asked. "I am Indigo. And your time is up" she said. She blasted Kara out the window.

Back on Earth 1, Wally and Jesse were on a date, Stein was at home and Caitlin, Wells and Ronnie were in Star Labs. Barry was testing to see how fast he can go. He placed the Particle Extrapolator on his chest and started running. Barry was running, running faster than Reverse Flash and Zoom. Then, a portal opened up in front of Barry and he went through it.

Where has Barry gone? Will Kara be saved? And if so, will they be there in a flash?

To be continued...

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