Chapter Fourteen

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"You fell for me?" I muttered sounding like a toddler just learning to read, my brain still trying to believe that I heard what I just heard. 

"Yeah, I did. And judging by your face you didn't realize."

"I honestly didn't," I admitted still shocked, "I mean I have been picking up on a few things but I just said it was me overthinking things but all this time you were giving me hints."

Danny shook his head at me playfully like a parent having to deal with a child learning something for the first time.

"You are so adorably dense sometimes," he said, moving his hand from my cheek to my other hand so we were standing hand in hand looking into each other's eyes. "But I have been dropping hints like bombs and your dense ass didn't pick them up."

I laughed out loud at that because that was so me, not noticing the obvious and writing it off as my imagination.

"Haha, I'm sorry man but I didn't realize and your hints weren't all that clear anyway."

He let go of my hands and folded his arms, looking at me quizzically. 

"How so?" he quipped.

"Well, for one thing, last night you said we had a bromance and that was right after I admitted I liked you. Why didn't you just tell me then?"

"Because I had just apologized for the bathroom incident and I was asking you to stay the night. I didn't want to make it weird for you and then maybe you leave so I said that and planned that I would admit my true feelings this morning - which I just did."

"OK," I nodded in understanding, I can work with that. I walked over to the other chair with my stuff on it, thankfully Danny hadn't kicked this one away, and I sat on my stuff without even realizing it cause I was deep in thought.

"So all the times you went outta your way to help me or when I thought you were staring and then you looked away, all those were hints too?"

"Well not all of em," he said, bounding onto the bed and sitting up against the wall facing me in the chair. "Most of those times you just caught me trying to admire you but when I do stuff for you, it was cause I wanted to. You always help me so It felt right to return the favor at times."

"Did you even need tutoring or was that a way of just getting close to me?"

He chuckled darkly.

"Yeah, I needed tutoring but I never wanted it to be anyone but you. From the moment I caught you when you ran into me that day, I thought you were so handsome and flustered and when I found out from Prof that you were smart, I saw an opportunity to get to know you and I took it and I'm so glad I did. Although I nearly ruined it with the way I acted when you messed up my shirt."

"Hahaha, thankfully we smoothed that over," I laughed.

"Yeah," he replied, "because all those weeks we went spent together were some of my best here so far. You weren't just smart. You took your time with me, didn't get angry, you were kind and funny and just so sweet but I felt like you were hurting too, like me, and now I know why. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me the things you have."

"You make it easy to trust you," I replied, "I learned a lot about you too and I saw that despite your aloof personality, you're a sweet guy and I am glad you trusted me to tell me your feelings too."

He nodded with a smirk and just resumed staring at me. 

"Any other questions?" he asked after a moment.

"What did you think of me in my underwear the day you came to my dorm room?"

He turned the deepest shade of red I've ever seen him turn. Normally it was just a light flush, hardly noticeable if you weren't scrutinizing him but now he was full-on red as a rose. He was even running his hand through his hair and avoiding looking at me.

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