Chapter Twelve

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"Oh please," Danny shrugged, "I already knew that.  Gotta gimme more than that."

"Wha-? wha-?" I said flabbergasted. I mean I knew he had an intuitive mind and he may have picked up on all the cues I was unintentionally leaving behind but his reaction was totally underwhelming but then again I was kinda glad he wasn't overreacting to me coming out to him. 

"I totally expected a little more surprise," I admitted to him.

"Oh sorry,  I'll do better. Do it again, do it again," he said straightening up and attempting to look as if he was unaware but making a totally silly face. 

"Shut up," I joked, punching him softly on the shoulder. He laughed and looked me in the face. 

"Remember what I told you in the bathroom?" he asked, "I kinda picked that up a long while ago. I see the way you look at me and how I make you react when I do certain things. I mean, I wasn't doing some things to see if you were gay but you just reacted to a lot so I had a good idea, I just wanted you to actually say it - which you just did."

"I see, never knew I was being so obvious."

"Not to everyone just with me," he corrected, "It's not like you interact with a lot of people except me."

"Well, I'm comfortable with you," I admitted, blushing slightly, "I don't have my guards up with you. You make me feel ok to be me."

He reached out and lifted my chin so he could see the red in my cheeks and then he said in his British accent, "You blush so cutely and then wonder how I found out. Come on, darling, you know you can't hide anything from me."

"Now how can I hide when you do that?"

He smiled seductively letting his fingers trace the shape of my chin as he took his hand away. 

"You are something else," he chuckled in his normal voice, "can I ask you a few more questions though about your sexuality if it's ok with you?"

"Of course," I said, I still felt my walls coming up but I knew I could trust Danny. He put aside his pride and he apologized to me and he reached out to me despite my immature behavior. I knew he was a good guy.

"I know you're gay but that doesn't mean every guy you see you have feelings for them," he began, "I noticed you only blush when I do certain things around you so, uh, do you like me?"

"Wow," I blurted out startled, "You don't cut corners, do you? Here I thought you were gonna ask if I liked Drag Race."

He smirked again but looked intently at me and I felt like it wasn't worth the trouble of lying to him. 

"Yes," I answered looking directly into his eyes, "I do like you."

It was his turn to be startled now.

"Why the surprise?" I asked, "I thought you were intuitive like that."

"Well, I- uh, I knew you had a physical reaction to me. I thought you were just horny. I didn't know you really really liked me that way."

I scoffed and reached out for one of his pillows smacking him upside the head playfully, ruffling up his hair.

"I do not just see you like that Danny," I said feigning offense, "How could you see me like that?"

"Haha," he said smoothing his hair, "tell me more."

"I used to just like your looks, to be honest," I began. I don't know what came over me but I just let it all out, "You were my online crush and I fantasized about you a lot, and then when I actually met you, I was overwhelmed by emotions. The first few times I spoke to you, you don't know how much I had to restrain myself and just talk and not run away from you."

Falling for a Stranger (DannyPhantom.exe Fanfiction: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now