6.4 Thank you

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- Before -

Walking back from another Hunt, Aki stopped by a pet resort. Although the sign did say pet, instead of the docile cute cats and dogs back at her original world, this store was catered to monsters instead.

Each monster, depending on their type and size, will be put in a specialized room, where the monster could enjoy a variety of services and activities. For more social monsters, they can be placed in a room together.

Many magicians bring their familiars here as a treat or simply if they were too busy to take care of them. Kit Kat however, was attracted to the store front where they displayed a high quality spa treatment.

His eyes shined like stars when just thinking of how majestic his fur will be after he had this extra special deluxe spa treatment!

Kit Kat refused to bulge, flying in place and yet not letting go of Aki's hair. Aki sighed and could only sign up Kit Kat to this deluxe special. Moonlit Pet resort is one of the more expensive and high class pet resorts in the city. Although pricey, with what Aki earned and how little she spent for herself, this did not even make a dent in her pocket.

However, she has the feeling that she should try to earn more as the spendings on Kit Kat is just about to get bigger in the near future...

Retrieving Kit Kat with very smooth and very fluffy fur, Aki made her way back to the inn. The pink fluff has once again occupied his throne atop of Aki's head as it puffed up as if saying "Look at this majestic me!"

As she walked by, many turned to stare at the beautiful Hase that sparkled. Little did Aki know that because she had been wandering around the city like this, carrying a Hase or a monster on one's head would become a very popular fashion trend.

Settling into her bed with the fluff in his, Aki was about to doze off when she received a notification on her smart bracelet. Checking to see if it was an emergency hunt, Aki instead saw a notification from the Adventurers guild.


Ever since signing up as an adventurer, Aki had never stepped back into the Adventurer's guild as the Hunter's guild kept her busy. With the long inactivity, her status as an adventurer was automatically revoked. So why are they contacting her now?

After clicking on the letter, a burst of virtual confetti exploded on Aki's face and celebratory music began. Aki wanted to chuck her smart bracelet out of the window or better yet, hunt down whoever that designed this.

"Congratulations! POO TU LU POO POO POOO!!! As one of the top rankers in your guild who is currently residing in Forthmight City, you've been chosen to be a protector for the Royal Academy's annual field test!!

You will be looking after the very cute and very talented children, making sure that the tests pose no harm to their life. If you are willing to take this job, you will be handsomely rewarded with not only points for your ranking, but also generous monetary compensation and a medal of appreciation from the King!"

The irritating voice launched into a detailed explanation of how the test will be carried out and what a protector does. Right below the lengthy letter were simply two buttons.


Without thinking twice, Aki pressed the accept button. Being able to oversee Takeshi and Heiki's test or even be placed close to their vicinity will allow her to protect them and in official capacity to boot.


The sun was just peeking over the Horizon when Aki walked into the Adventurers guild. All Aki could see after that were people. Loads of people. Being the main branch of the entire adventurer guild in Valticand, there were not only adventurers who came to get their quests processed but also to simply hang out with other adventurers.

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