6.1 Thank you

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- After -

Stralo Fort is a highly technologically advanced city. Instead of the usual european centric buildings that Aki was used to seeing, here there were skyscrapers that closely resembled those back in her original world. However, what was different were the neon lights that ran through the buildings and the flying cars, spaceships, carriages and more that populated the sky.

Aki was seated on top of Cadbury with kitkat nestled in her coat as the cold wind blew. They were flying high up in the sky, getting an amazing aerial view of the city.

After Cadbury and Kit Kat rushed back to Axel, they were desperate trying to convey their meaning to the boy, of how Aki was washed away by the sea. However, no matter how they tried to gesture or bounced their fluffy self, Axel did not understand.

When they were at the edge of exploding, Aki thankfully returned back to camp herself. After cuddling with Aki for a whole night with lots of chocolate, Cadbury and Kit Kat were then willing to let Aki go on another Hunt.

The herb that Aki is hunting this time round is at the outskirts.

Cadbury flapped her wings and landed with a thump, sending dust and little scraps flying. The area was filled with failed creations of the city, with towering disposed mechanical parts and lacked any signs of life besides them.

The herb that Aki needed was called the Helianthus. It was a mutated flower which had incorporated digital parts into its own body, a natural half bot and half plant.

The Helianthus contains electric essences that are good for refining a pill that could boost magicians with electric magic.

Aki looked down at her smart bracelet and then at the pile of digital debris in front of her. Cadbury and Kit Kat had already disappeared and were up to their usual shenanigans.

"Let's just get this over with."

Aki rolled up her sleeves and started sieving through the remnants of inventions piece by piece.


- Before -

In a quiet room, Aki was gently brushing through Kit Kat's fur with a special comb that was once again gifted by Rory before they left as a farewell gift.

It had been a month since she left Colkirk and arrived here at Forthmight, the capital of Valticand kingdom and where the Royal Castle and Academy was located.

Since Aki was already here, Misha took the liberty to assign Aki quests that were near the capital. After a month of hard work, Aki had raised her rank and became an A rank Hunter in no time.

Kit Kat purred against Aki's skillful hand as she sorted out his tangles and knots. This was simply a royal treatment.

A ringtone sounded and Aki looked at her smart bracelet.


Picking up the call, Takeshi's voice boomed through the room. Aki smiled at the energetic Takeshi across the holographic screen.

"Move Takeshi, you are too close to the camera. Hi Aki, how are you doing?"

"AKI I HAVE GOOD NEWS! Hear and be amazed! We have an open house event where we can bring in friends or family to experience life at the Royal Academy!"

"Yeah, come over Aki, we can hang out in school. We had not met since a week ago."

"Hmm... But I still have some upcoming quests that I-"

"Come onnnnn!!! You just became an A rank! You need a break!"

" Yeah, take a break from your Hunts for a day and come join us. Weren't you curious about academy life before?"

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