7.3 Falling Lights

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- Before -

Aki flashed behind a dark figure hiding amongst the trees who was emitting a strong killing intent and slashed downwards with Shinsu. There was a cruel light in her eyes as she softened the impact of body as it fell, silencing it.

This was already the ten or eleventh assassin that she had gotten rid of and Aki was starting to lose count. They all wore a black cape, but what set them apart was a blood red star that was embroidered at the back. Aki frowned as she pondered over the star.

Was it a fashion statement now to announce your affiliation or was it done for a purpose? It all seemed so contrived, as if they were shouting who they were and lining up just to get eliminated.

Aki first discovered the red star assassins when she heard a desperate cry. Going to investigate, not far from the magic extraordinaire, she saw a group of students desperately trying to fend off the assassin while their protector laid dead on the forest floor. Easily getting rid of the said assassin, she got the students to use their teleportation crystal to return. After all, they had lost their protector and being in severe shock and chaos, they were in no state to continue with the assessment.

But what Aki did not know was that the assassins that were seen as amateurs and easy pickings for her had already eliminated one-third of the protectors. A few students had also fallen victims but most were able to use their teleportation crystals in time to escape.

Suddenly sensing something, Aki swung Shinsu backwards and a sound of metal clashing was heard.

"Woah, hey Aki. It's me."

The first thing that she noticed was the crimson eyes and then the signature lazy grin. Aki relaxed as she withdrew Shinsu and looked at Roku questioningly. Her eyes were practically saying 'Why are you here?'

"Ahh.. just a job. Got it from the first prince to protect the second one."

Roku's response made Aki even more bewildered. If his job was to protect the second prince then why is he here? As if knowing Aki's thoughts, Roku smiled wryly and ruffled Aki's head as if to hide his embarrassment.

Just like Aki, Roku was trailing after the party from a distance away. He kept separate from Aki, not wanting to distract her but still kept her in his view, just in case. And the just-in-case happened, since Aki discovered the red star assassins and began to periodically clean up the surroundings. The more Aki eliminated her targets, the more her sense of presence faded. It was as if she was getting colder and colder, slipping into a particular state of being. Or non-being.

His sword, a cursed sword that gained awareness due to centuries of blood shed, sensed Aki's aura and was getting more and more excited by the bloodlust it sensed. Feeling a bit worried, Roku went after Aki to check up on her, after judging that the party would not encounter any danger in a short while.

"You okay? That should be the last of them around here."

Aki gave a curt nod as they quickly moved back to the party. Aki and Roku quickly exchanged their findings and the implied conclusion they came to was grim. The Red Star assassins felt like they did not have a specific target in mind but were here to wipe out as many students as they could. They were on a massacre.

If that was the case, they might have something else planned, as they are nearing the end of the test and it was too inefficient with the Protectors hovering over the students.

As they arrived near the party, suddenly the ground trembled as a huge roar vibrated through the air.

"You should also not count on the protectors to save you as they now have a bigger problem to deal with."

The Records of an Overpowered Herb HunterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora