3.3 Keep up the good work

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- Before -

A silver glint flashed and the reflected light danced sharply across the small room. Sunlight poured through the slightly open curtains and lit up the room vaguely as dust particles danced in the air.

In this subdued yellow and brown hues, Aki sat on her bed with Shinshu purring in her hands. She ran a cloth carefully over shinshu, cleaning him up as well as checking for any nicks and damage. A slight smile donned Aki's face as the joy that Shinshu projected to Aki was contagious.

A contagious atmosphere of joy was in the air. Well, except for the pink fluff that was currently sulking on her expensive exclusive bed. Kit Kat was puffed up over the fact that Aki had actually left him locked up in this little room for the whole day yesterday!

How could she just throw me in here and leave with that Red Hair servant!

"Okay, okay. Next time I'll bring you with me everywhere. But no complaining if it's hard or if it's dangerous okay?"

Kit Kat turned away and refused to look at Aki, burying himself further into his bedding.

"Come on... don't be angry already..."

Aki crawled on the bed over to the side table. She used her finger to poke at Kit Kat, trying to get a reaction. Aki's lips twitched as her finger sank into the pink fluff and she began to persistently poke at it repeatedly. The room was silent besides some movement from Aki poking at the fluff.

Poke, poke, poke, poooooke, poke.

Kit Kat sniffed and glanced back at Aki. His eyes were round as if filled with unfallen tears, shining like little red gems. Fine! I'll forgive you since you were begging me to.

Aki let out a laugh as she saw Kit Kat physically defluffing.

Knock, Knock

Sounds of the knocks resounded through the room as Aki was preparing to bully Kit Kat further. Kit Kat's ears perked up. Grabbing Shinshu, Aki opened the door slightly to check who's outside.

One downfall of this rented room was that they did not have peepholes nor a bolt. This caused Aki to amp up her vigilance. As much as it seemed ridiculous, you can never know if someone were to jump you at the door or create an ambush as you exit the room.

But instead of a physical assault, it was an attack on the eyes with that bright red hair that has grown familiar to Aki. Rory was standing at the door twiddling his fingers with an apologetic look on his face. Aki sighed.

"Come on, let's go and get some food and talk."

Just before Aki closed the door, she felt a weight on her head. Rory's eyes glittered at seeing the pink fluff. Reluctant to be left behind again, Kit Kat flew at his fastest speed after hearing that Aki was leaving.

Passing the royal pain in the fluff to his faithful servant, Aki walked down the stairs to the inn's dining area. Having the stew again sounds like a good idea.

Aki slurped her stew. At the side was a sandwich, courtesy from Carol who was trying out a new recipe. Rory got a hamburger of sorts, with the meat patty totally outshining the tiny bread that topped it.

The slight weirdness in this scenery was that instead of being focused on Kit Kat, Rory was picking at his food, unsure of how to open the conversation with Aki.

"How are the other two?"

"Eh?! Umm they're okay. Yesterday night Flynn woke up and Adam brought him back home. His injury healed up nicely and the doctor said he did not need to return for any follow-ups. Apparently the potion you provided was a high class healing potion."

The Records of an Overpowered Herb HunterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora