Fire part 2

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Then they made their way back to the village. But when they saw the beach, it stunned them. They saw the ship Ty Lee was on when she woke up from the lightning. Then someone on the ship shouted, "There, I see her. Wait for a second, there are Azula and another woman. We will need to negotiate with her." Then Keia got out of the ship with Aang. "We don't want to attack." Aang said, "We can negotiate, Azula." Then Ty Lee ran to Keia and hugged her. Keia, thinking that Azula had captured Ty Lee, was shocked that Ty Lee escaped. "Did you capture Azula then?" "Who said anything about fighting?" Ty Lee replied. Then someone else came from the ship. He was dressed in royalty, but he had a scar on his right eye, "Is that Ursa?" Zuko said, "With, Azula?"

Then Zuko went up to Azula, "What do you want with my mother?" Azula said, "Can I talk?" "No. I will not negotiate with you." "She is my mother too. I would never hurt her." "But you have no problem hurting me!" And Zuko threw fire at Azula. She dodged and Zuko said, "Attack like you did at the Agni Kai!" Ty Lee interrupted, "She can't fire bend." "How, she is the best lightning bender in the fire nation?" "I hit her with an air blast that was mixed with her lightning and it nearly killed her. I saved her, but not her bending." "She must be lying." "Well, if she had her bending, she would have hit you with lightning by now." Azula approached Zuko and said, "I am sorry, for hunting you and hitting you with lightning on the Agni Kai. And I am sorry for what I did in the water tribes and Cranefish." "You aren't! You always lie."

Then Aang came to Zuko and said, "Remember when we were at the western air temple. And you wanted us to accept you." "Yes." "You need to do what we did. You need to accept her." Kori said, "Azula was not lying, I could feel it. And Ty Lee really believes in her, even though Azula had treated her so badly." Zuko said, "Ok, then. I forgive you. But why did you change?" "Ty Lee saved me from death. I remembered the friendship we had, and I realized how horrible I had become. We went across the ocean and got here. And then I met my mother again."

"But how, how is mother still alive?" Then Ursa went up to Zuko, "I am so sorry for leaving you. I wanted to save you on that day but," And then she touched the scar, "I hurt you even more." And then Zuko hugged Ursa and said, "I missed you, so much. I understand why you left. But I still missed you, so much." And Ursa told her, "Could you please forgive Azula? After all, she is your sister, and she helped me reunite with you." "Yes, mom." And Zuko shouted, "We are bringing Azula too!" "Oh, and there is one more person." And then Kiyi came and said, "Mom, who is that person with the red-eye?" Ursa said, "It's your brother, Zuko."

They got onto the bridge that went to the ship and the guard said, "Is she a prisoner?" And Zuko said, "We won't do the same mistake she did, will we?" And they let Azula go on to the ship. Ty Lee was talking to Kori. "What happened at the palace?" "Well, after you left, the riots got bad, and they were scared. I told them to get refuge, and we got out of the city in time. And apparently, team Avatar was there and, and..." Kori was thinking of how to break the news to her when Ty Lee told her, "I know. We met a spirit that told us." "And what happened to you and Azula, anyway?" "Well, I am tired of repeating that story. I might tell you during dinner, but first, I want to know how you got with team Avatar and brought Zuko along?" "I don't know about that, but I know someone who does." And then Kori led her to a friend. "Keia!" Ty Lee said, "I missed you so much." "Kori told me you wanted to know something." "Oh, yeah. What happened to you after I left."

"Well, while you were still asleep, we sent a message to Zuko about what Azula had done in the water tribe and to send some boats to Cranefish to get Azula as we were going to Cranefish ourselves. But then we got on Appa to speed get there faster. By the time the boat's arrived, Ru had burned the place. Luckily though, your friend Kori had saved many people, and we put them on the boats. We had a hard time looking for you, until we got some clues and tracked you here, only to find that Azula's, good now?" "Well, I saved her life and she vowed to never destroy her life like that again." "She was pretty horrible to you, both as a friend and as an enemy." "I know, but I also knew she could change, and I was right."

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