Water part 2

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When Suki left, Ty Lee said: "What should I do now?" "Well, Hakoda said he did not write the letter, but it had his handwriting, which is a mystery. And we still have the Ozai society on the loose. But complete your airbending training here." "Well, I am good at fighting with airbending now. All I'm doing is cleaning up after the messes that the fighting is making." "I know you are tired of all the training and cleaning, but you need to stay."

Then a boat landed, "Urgent news for the northern water tribe army. There was a coup by Hahn and the chief orders you to invade." Sokka got out and said, "I won't do this again. I will scout to confirm and make a plan." "I will go." said Suki, "No I can't do that," Sokka said, "Why?" "I don't want you to get hurt." "I was the leader of the Kyoshi warriors, and I am..." "Too valuable to risk." Ty Lee asked, "Well, does that mean I could go? I can fly there." "That sounds good, but you need to ask Aang," said Suki.

She went back into the building and Aang asked, "What happened now?" "Well, there was a messenger, and he said that there was a coup in the northern water tribe while the army was gone." "Oh, does that mean whoever wrote the letter wanted the army gone so they could take power?" "No, but Sokka did not want to make the same mistake he did before. He needs someone to scout to see if the letter was right and make a plan." "So, you want to go?" "Exactly."

"But if they have taken the northern water tribe over, it would be too dangerous to go alone." Katara interrupted, "So, I could bring my sisters there?" The Ty sisters heard it, and each said "No!" But then Keia heard the discussion and said, "My waterbending skills aren't great, but I would love to help." Aang said, "It's settled then, Ty lee and Keia will scout the northern water tribe." "But how will they get there?" Katara asked "Well, we will take a boat and I will boil the water at the back, and Ty Lee will blow the steam to the sail.' Keia said. Katara replied sadly, "Ok but be safe." "We are both Kyoshi warriors, what could go wrong?" And they left.

The Ty sisters saw what happened and said, "Why was Katara so sad, she isn't Keia's mother." "What she is my water bending student and I don't want to see her killed." Aang sighed and murmured, "Oh great. The last time someone called Katara a mother it went well for me." "Aang, you would have let Ty Lee go with no protection or plan." "What, I was afraid I would have to go there I thought Ty Lee would be fine with going there." "You butt lazy Avatar." Katara said furiously, "I suppose you don't care about her at all." "No uh, I just said it wrong." The Ty sisters amusing themselves with the fight said, "Wow, she is a mother and an angry one too."

With the boat and their bending, they beat expectations and arrived in the northern water tribe in a week. "Well, that was exhausting. Wonder how far we went?" Ty Lee said once they sighted the northern water tribe. "We just went around the world!" "Of course." Ty Lee said, "I can't believe we did it so fast though." "You wouldn't believe how fast boats go when they have great currents." Keia told her, "And we made the best currents in the world the whole way." While she was talking, Ty Lee was scouting the city. When she saw an unfamiliar flag, she said, "Get down now!" "What?" "I think the letter could be right. There was a red flag that looked familiar." "What do you mean 'familiar?'." "I mean," She looked up again and squinted at the flag. "I mean, it looks like the fire nation family emblem, the old one." "Oh, but how?" "Well, I don't know, so this may require a stealth mission." "Oh well, I missed stealth missions a little too much."

And they landed on the shore. They went through the town. "It looks so deserted," Keia said, and then she saw through a window, "They are all inside, why? It's not like they will get killed for going outside." And then a northern water tribe officer passed with a uniform like a flag. "Apparently, yes." Ty Lee said after they dodged for cover. "Did the northern king get drunk on power?" "It's dangerous stuff, but I think the only way to find out is to get there." Ty Lee pointed at the castle. "Do you have a plan?" "Yes. They make all these houses out of of water and you can boil it, so that gives us plenty of options." "Good thinking. We should break into the castle from a corner, over there."

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