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She got near Cranefish when landed on the road. She was walking when someone out of nowhere said, "Hey, are you, Ty Lee?" "How did you know my name?" As she approached the person, Ty Lee said, "Kori!!! How did you get here?" "Suki told me to come here after..." And Kori burst into tears, thinking of what happened in Yu Dao. "I know, Suki told me you would be here." "Thanks. I have a friend in Cranefish, Ru. We will stay with her, but in Cranefish do not bend." "Why?" "Just don't." "Ok, so it's back to chi blocking, I guess." "Chi Blocking would be very useful there." And they went to town.

Factories immediately met them and smoke. "This place used to be home to some of the best fire nation refineries in the world. Fire benders and earth benders made metal that could withstand almost anything." "What about the non-benders" "We treated them with respect in Yu Dao, unlike here." And they went into a better street and came to a house and rang the bell. The door opened and Ru came, "Kori! I missed you! And who is your friend?" "I am Ty Lee."

"Great! Come in, I will need to make more food. You can help with that Kori?" "You live alone?" Ty Lee said surprised, "Well, that is a story I could say at dinner." And they went in. Kori said, "You could have met me earlier, so I could tell you more about here?" "What? I thought you were already here." "It's kind of sensitive." "Oh," "Anyway, can you cook?" "No. I usually do without cooking on military campaigns." "Yeah, you got all the gun." "You know most citizens don't like serving in the army." "You should know me better than that." "I was joking." And they relaxed until the food was ready. Then at the table, Ru said to Ty Lee, "You don't know much about Cranefish, do you?" "No, not really."

"Well, it used to just another tiny colony, but then they brought the technique of combining fire and earth bending from Yu Dao. Cranefish went from a medium-sized village to a booming town. Under the surface, though, there was no work for non-benders and a divide occurred between benders and non-benders. And when the war ended, there was no work for the benders, and they took it out on the non-benders. Recently some fire benders came and secretly took over the police force. They have allowed the benders to run free, hurting everyone else. But I am organizing a rebellion. We will plan tomorrow." "Who exactly are these firebender's?" "I asked that question to myself a long time ago, I still have no answers though."

Kori said, "We are all done eating, should we sleep now?" "Sure. The guest room is upstairs, and it has three beds." "Thanks. I am not so tired, but Ty Lee probably is. She has spent the entire day flying." "Flying?" "She is an Airbender." "I thought there was only one." "Well, there apparently are lots more, or so I have heard." "Um, Ok." And they went to bed and slept. The next morning Ty Lee woke up Ru and Kori, "Hey, you said we would go to a meeting in the morning." "Four hours from now." "Oh, you can go back to sleep, I will try to make some oatmeal." "Ok, just go." She made extremely poor oatmeal for the three of them. When they woke up, they said, "Someone should have taught Ty Lee to cook." "What? That was Ty Lang's specialty." "Never mind." "And where did you hurt your arm?" "Well I went around and there was this cart that was rushing towards me and," "Oh, no." "I did not get hit silly, I dodged it and went straight into a blackberry bush." "Never mind, but that still sounds painful. We need to go soon after we eat, this." "Ok."

They went to an abandoned warehouse. There were people gathered and Ru made a speech, "We need to stop the oppression, the police, and destroy this new firebender government." The crowd applauded, but then she said, "Do you have any ideas, I'm out."

"A revolt, that's how!" The crowd said. Ru said to the eager crowd, "I have thought about that, but we are nowhere close to stopping the benders or the new fire bender police. They each can take out three of us and they outnumber us two to one. We would need six times as many people to have a chance." "May I say something about facing the benders," Ty Lee said. "Sure," Ru said, and she went up to speak.

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