Air, part 1

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From Iroh:

I am sending a letter to beg you to guard my nephew, fire lord Zuko, from an uprising that could harm all four nations. After 100 years of war, many in the fire nation wanted to return to their warrior ways. But Zuko would not stray from the path of peace, creating an opportunity for his sister Azula to stage a coup against him. When it failed, she created a secret society, the New Ozai society, to return the fire nation to its warrior past.

A personal note for my friend Ty lee:

100 years ago, the Avatar kept the balance between the four nations: The Water tribe, the Air nomads, the Earth Kingdom, and the Fire Nation. Then, the Fire nation attacked and conquered the earth kingdom, separated the water tribe, and destroyed the Air nomads. However, most of the Air nomads escaped and hid, some unsuccessfully, but the others blended in. The fire nation claimed victory over the air nomads and as their descendants believed they were non-benders from the other nations, airbending disappeared.

To: Ty Lee and Kyoshi Warriors

"He wants us to guard the Fire Lord," said Suki, leader of the Kyoshi warriors, "but why do they need us?" "The fire lord's guard was mostly ceremonial, as any assassins would be killed by the army. They thought people would be loyal citizens and not try to kill the fire lord. Pretty silly." Ty Lee answered. "So, why do they need us then?" "The guard is extremely incompetent and many of the soldiers are rebels." "And besides," Keia, another Kyoshi Warrior added, "What are we doing here, other than having fun with your boyfriend?"

Suki embarrassed, shouted, "I said triple exercise if you mention him, and don't forget again!!!" She calmed down and said, "and Ty Lee, Iroh gave you a personal note and I did not read it, he called you a friend." "Thanks." Ty lee replied, "He is a sweet person." "Yes, I remember meeting him." "When was that?" "We were at a camp, the white lotus." "Was that while we were in prison?" And Keia interrupted, "While you had fun with your boyfriend?" "Will you shut up!!!" Suki said even more offended. Then she defended herself, "they invited him to the northern water tribe, and he's going today, so please stop it."

After Ty lee read the note, Suki said, "We are going to guard Zuko." "You did not want to." Suki said, "When I went to the dock with Sokka, I met some people who were there when the rebellion broke out. I heard about it and it is the duty of a Kyoshi warrior to stop that from happening again." "Oh," "Also, what was in the letter?" "It was confusing, it was like a history lesson that said the airbenders were non-benders or something like that." "Could you have misread it?" "Probably, but he never wastes words, it probably is warning me of something to do with Air bender's."

"Something like this?" Suki said, handing Ty Lee a letter, "Is that another letter for me?" "Sokka gave it to me, said he nearly forgot." Suki said recalling what happened, "I thought it was a knife in his pocket with the edge of the paper. Anyway, the letter has instructions on where to go to meet Aang. When you're finished, send a messenger hawk." "Sure!" Then Suki left and said to a fellow Kyoshi warrior, "Sokka said Katara and Zuko have a thing." They both giggled.

A while later she arrived there. "Why do I kind of remember this place?" "You attacked us here in the middle of the night before with Mai and Azula." "Oh, yeah. It is a lot easier with a tank and it was so dark. I had to rely on Azula's firebending to see. Why did you even pick this spot? Why do you even want me here?" "Well, it's flat, high up, and a nice place to sleep. I needed to teach you something. See that rock on that other rock." "Yeah?" "Now, you may think it is silly, think of taking the energy from your legs and release it from your hands like this..."

"Um..." she said while replicating his motions, and then the rock fell. "What was that?" Aang said excitedly. "That was bending!!!" "You mean, you say that I am a" "Yes you are a..." "Firebender?" "What!?" "I could not bend even when I tried to." "It's airbending, AIR bending!" he said, "how did you even think that you're a Firebender?" "How, how am I an Airbender?" "I will explain."

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