ten | temptation

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"The play 's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king"

- Hamlet
Act 2, Scene 2


Getting ready for school that following morning was more difficult than anticipated. Why? Because I was dreading going into Ms Venable's classroom. How on earth was I supposed to even look at her now? That dream had shaken me, truly. My attraction to that teacher was easy to pass off as a simple high school crush that would surely pass in a week or so, but I was starting to question whether it would prove to be that easy.

"Damn it, for someone who has so many clothes, I sure do spend a long time choosing outfits." Muttering to myself, I stood in front of my mirror, disapproving of everything I put together. The weather was beginning to grow cold now that winter had approached, so naturally I first looked around for a nice sweater, but nothing satisfied me. That was until my eye caught on a light purple shirt. Finally, I was pleased, the purple shirt tucked into a pair of jeans, a checkered jacket and a set of black boots.

"You can do this, just avoid eye contact, keep your head down, and don't think about the dream. Simple."

Oh how wrong I was.


"Good afternoon everyone."

A low and clear voice rang through the room, followed by the distinct thud of Ms Venable's cane against the floor. Chills ran up my spine, my thoughts immediately jumping to how that sound was in my dream.

There was a silence, as there normally was at the beginning of the lesson, it was the savoured time Ms Venable spent scouring the room for student's mistakes, like a missing textbook or not sitting up straight. As predicted, there were a few things she coldly pointed out. No matter how much everyone tried their best to be perfect in her class, probably due to fear, there was always something to be picked up on by those beady dark eyes.

"Now, this morning we shall be starting a new topic, reading Greek mythology. I doubt many of you have taken much time into this type of literature, so I expect you to be paying full attention. And I know that Greek mythology isn't strictly in the field of English Literature, but it's what I have chosen to study with you."

My interest was peaked, looking up to the front of the room. Of course I'd read plenty of Greek mythology. So it was bold of her to assume that no one had read any.

"Out of curiosity, raise your hand if you've read anything like this?"

I ducked my head back down, avoiding all chances of Ms Venable asking me individually, because she'd started to ask others.

But of course, I felt her stare on me. "Ms (Y/N)? Have you?" There was a look behind her expression that made it clear to me that she knew my answer. How could she know? Maybe because I had read pretty much all of the books we'd covered in this class so far?

"Yes, I have." Mumbling, I looked down, hoping she'd move on, but no.

"And your favourite work?"

I hesitated. "Perseus and Andromeda."

"Good choice." For some reason I felt almost pleased with myself, as if her validation pleased me.

"So this week we will be specifically focussing on Pandora's Box, and how the myth inspired literature today."

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