three | a camera

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"The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles"

- Hamlet
(Act 3, Scene 1)

I changed the friend in the classroom from the last chapter to a girl called Valentina, I realised I messed up


"So, what's it like having famous parents?" Valentina asked, tucking into her sandwich.

It was now lunchtime, I'd managed to survive through my first math, chemistry and history class, mainly with the help of my new found friend. She was nice, really nice. I'd worked out eventually that she wasn't after money, which was a relief. Maybe I could finally have a true friend.

"It's not that amazing. They never have time for me." I shrugged, resting my hand in my head as I scanned the canteen. It was just like a typical high school movie, the clear friendship groups. One thing I'd noticed was that Valentina didn't seem to have anyone she talked to. I guess it was a nice thing for me, someone after my own heart, but maybe not so nice for her.

"Oh my god, are you (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?!" A girl appeared, wearing expensive looking designer clothes and talon like nails. Ah, I'd managed to get through the day with my head down, being unnoticed, but apparently not anymore. I smiled weakly.

"Uh.. yeah.. nice to meet you." Trying to be my best to sound polite, I smiled. Though the girl didn't seem interested in getting to know me, instead calling over all her friends who swarmed around, throwing hundreds of questions at me, fame related ones, mainly about my mother. Pretty soon I felt my head start filling up with stress, trying to stay calm and nice, but all the voices and squabbling between them was overbearing. My way of dealing with those situations was to run and hide, not the most conventional method, though effective. But before I could do that, I heard two sharp taps on the floor, presumably from a cane.

"Everyone back to your tables and leave the girl alone."

Everyone fell silent, their gazes falling to the floor as they returned to their seats. Once they had gone, I could see my saviour, and to my wonder, it was Ms Venable. Her figure was perfectly straight, both hands resting on her cane as she held a stony and expressionless face.

"Thank you." I mumbled. She didn't say anything, just letting her eyes burn into mine. Her brown opals seemed to hold such intensity, but at the same time, curiosity. It stayed like that for a few seconds before she turned around and left. Just like that.

Strangely I felt unable to think for a short moment, watching her leave and doing nothing else until Valentina's voice snapped me back into reality.

"Wow, two things, one, is that what you have to put up with everyday? And two, I don't know why Ms Venable saved your ass like that."

I frowned a little, "I don't know either." But wouldn't any decent teacher do that? Save someone from a mob of school girls?

"Whatever you're thinking, Venable isn't like a typical teacher, she's far worse. She's so fucking strict, once she gave a girl an hours detention everyday for a week, just for bumping into her by accident. But, she's hella attractive, I'll give her that." Valentina shrugged, continuing to eat her sandwich like there was no tomorrow.

"Should I be worried about meeting her tomorrow?" I asked, intrigued but also a little scared. Well, I didn't even know the woman, but I just had a feeling, you know?

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