seven | i hate liars

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"We cannot hold mortality's strong hand."

- King John
(Act IV, Scene II, Line 84)


The next day I was terrified to go into school. After what had happened with Ms Venable, I couldn't think of anything worse than facing her again. The way that woman could both scare me and lure me in with just her voice and eyes alone was crazy. To be honest I still hadn't recovered, even as I walked to school.

My eighties playlist managed to calm my nerves though, the beat running through my earphones, well that was until it faded out and was replaced by my ringtone. I sighed, it always annoyed me when I got interrupted halfway through a Queen song. Then I saw it was Valentina, so I picked answered it.

"Hey (Y/N)." Valentina's voice sounded hoarse and scratchy, clearly indicating that she was sick.

"You sound like shit." I spoke truthfully, and received a crackly chuckle.

"Unfortunately so. I just wanted to let you know that I won't be in today." My heart sunk a little, because that meant that I would have to survive break and lunch without her, and Id never done that before. None of the other girls were my friends. Well, I knew they could be, some of them tried, but they were all fake, and I couldn't stand those types of girls who wanted to use me.

"Damn it, couldn't you have chosen a weekend to be sick?" I grumbled, walking down the roads slowly.

"I'm sorry dude, I'll try and be back tomorrow."

"Urgh, well tell your immune system to work. Until then, bye, I'm just going through the gates." Hanging up, I put my phone away. The school had a strict policy about phones, they must be kept away at all times, except for lunch. And I didn't fancy being told off today.


Throughout the whole of my English lesson I kept my eyes away from Ms Venable. Why? Because that incident yesterday, her practically screaming at me and me also finding my scarf in her bag, honestly I don't think I would ever look her in the eye again. So instead I kept my stare focussed on my textbook in front of me. I was aware of Ms Venable walking slowly around the classroom as she spoke, like all teachers did, but soon I felt her presence nearing me.

"Did you not hear me Ms (Y/L/N)?" There it was, that low voice sounding behind me. I jumped, because apparently I hadn't been listening. Glancing up, I was embarrassed to see all of the class staring at me.

"Uhm.. sorry Ms Venable." I made sure to not mumble, because I really couldn't afford annoying her again. She raised an eyebrow, her hand resting on my shoulder as she leaned down a little to talk quietly, so the rest of the class wouldn't hear.

"Zone out of my lessons one more time, and you'll have after school detentions every day for a week." Tingles ran down my spine, due to the fact that I could feel her breath against my ear. As much as I tried to ignore it, this woman managed to reduce me into a flustered mess.

"O-okay Ms Venable." I stuttered, but luckily she either didn't notice or chose to ignore it by walking off, her cane hitting the floor in sync with her steps.

Jesus, what's wrong with me? She's your goddamn teacher, who most probably hates your guts. Oh, and also most probably has your scarf for some unknown and puzzling reason! God, pull yourself together woman.

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