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I was laying in my bed smiling, I was looking forward for tomorrow and wanted it to come quick so I decided to sleep, so I did!


I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm groaning slightly as I turned it off and got out of bed, i yawned and stretched before smiling happily, today was the day I take Tommy to meet with Wilbur. I went to my drawer and picked out a grey zip up hoodie and a plain light blue top with some black ripped Jeans, I quickly got changed and went to the kitchen to make breakfast, I got out ingredients for pancakes and mixed them all together before heating up butter on a pan and cooking 3 plates worth of pancakes I put one on the table before heading to Anne's room pushing the door open with my side,

"Breackfast is in the kitchen" I said before walking to Tommy's room pushing his door open,

"Ay shit head!" I walked into the room putting the pancakes on his desk,

"Breakfast, eat up and get changed" I told him he nodded quickly before picking up the plate and starting to eat the pancakes, I walked back to the kitchen with my plate of pancakes to see Anne sitting there picking at her food,

"Hey Anne, want me to eat with you?" I asked walking to the table putting my plate down at where I would sit when I decided to eat at the table.

"Oh uh, sure?" She nodded slightly still only picking at her food,

"So uhh, you and Tommy are going out somewhere today?" She asked taking a small bite of her pancakes glancing up,

"Yeah, I'm taking him to meet his online friend he is around the same age as me a little older though" I explained.

"The only reason I need to go is Tommy is 16 and Wilbur feels it would be weird if it was just him and Tommy so that's where I come in" I continued to explain to her as she nodded.

"So what are you doing today?" I asked smiling, I ate my pancakes.

"Oh well I'm going to this job interview, it pays much better than my current job and it seems fun" She told me all about her new job she was going for while we ate after a while we finished and I put my plate in the sink before skipping to my room to pack a small bag of things for when I'm bored, I doubt I will be bored seeing as I'm going to be tagging along with two idiots.

I grabbed a sketchpad and some pencils before putting them in the small bag, I grabbed my phone and wallet before going back to the kitchen grabbing 2 bottles of water putting them in the bag before walking to Tommy's room, walking straight in.

"Yo Tommy, you ready to go?" I asked leaning against the wall near his door,

"Yeah, let's go!" He grins walking out the room, I followed behind as we walked to the door so we could get our shoes on and leave,

I slipped my feet into my black trainers and bent down to tie my laces, once I had tied them I stood up waiting for Tommy to finish up.
We opened the door walking out,

"So where are we meeting Wilbur and do we need to drive?" I asked as we walked down the stairs leading out to the street.

"Uhm well he lives at the oger side of Brighton so we might need to drive" he told me, I nodded.

"Well I will drive us" I stated

"Alright" He responded.

I lead him to my car and he got in on the passenger side and I obviously got in the drivers side. I started the car and started to drive,

"Put the directions into the maps please" I asked Tommy to what he obliged. I followed the directions till we were outside an rented office building.

"This the place..?" I asked unsure.

"Yeah, this is where he streams and such" He explained to which I nodded.

"You might need to get in the back depending if Wilbur wants the front"

"Why?" He huffed

"Because he is older than us both so technically he is in charge but font tell him that" I told him

"Fine." He crossed his arms.

After around 5 minutes my phone buzzed and I checked it,

~Wilbur soot is streaming~

I stared at my phone for a minute before sighing in annoyance,

"Do you know what office he is in?" I asked glancing at Tommy,

"Uh, yeah why?" He asked confused

"He just started streaming." I stated

"Seriously?" He deadpaned.

"Yup, let's go crash his stream." I said getting out the car, Tommy doing the same as we walked into the building,

"Lead the way Tommy, oh, and don't go into the ro-" I started,

Tommy ran off to the stairs and ran up them, I chased after him, I ran after him as he ran up the stairs before bursting through a door and running down a hall with be trailing behind him, still running to keep up.
He burst into a room screaming and I heard a different voice yell, I made a sharp turn into the room,

"Oh my god Tommy!" I yell breathing slightly heavier than usual,

"(Y/n)?" I heard a voice say, I looked up to see Wilbur so I smiled and waved,
"Hey wilbur!" I spoke cheerily.

Tommy was sitting on the floor,

"Why are you on the floor..?" I asked confused

"I fell" he chuckled

"Okay then" I nodded before stepping around him to stand next to where Wilbur was sitting,

"You made plans to meet us and then started to stream" I crossed my arms with a frown.

"I completely forgot" he stated before standing up.

"Holy shit I forgot" he spoke panicked,

"I am so so so sorry (Y/N)" he apologised to what I nodded.

"You damn better be" I said jokingly.

"Can we go now?" Tommy asked from the floor,

"Yes Tommy" I nodded before giving him a hand up,

"Wilbur you coming?"

"Yeah!" He nodded grabbing his stuff,

"Your stream Wilbur" I reminded him

"Oh yeah!, Sorry guys todays stream will be cut short today, bye!" He quickly spoke before ending it,

"Let's go!" He smiled walking out the office with us following, once we walked out the room he locked it up and we walked out the building and he ran to the car getting in the passenger seat making Tommy groan, I got into the drivers while Tommy say in the back, we all fastened the seatbelt before I started the car and headed to our destination

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ hey guys hope you enjoyed the chapter I always try to make it to over 1000 words so I'm sorry about how the chapter before had less than that but I was in a rush to get it out and so on, so I am sorry! Another thing is that I can't find a platform that does mcyt roleplay! Does anyone know where I can find that or anyone want to roleplay with me in DMs or discord?


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