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Wilbur smiled at me as I let go,

"Your acting as if your never going to see me again" he chuckled ruffling my hair.

"If it was the last time I was going to see you again it would be a lot different you can count on it" I laughed.

He rolled his eyes playfully as he flicked my forehead,
"Alright well I'm gonna go grab my stuff, that alright Shortstack?" He asked as he opened the door swinging the keys on his index finger.

"Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms giving him a sharp glare.
He quickly got outside shutting the door behind him making me giggle.

I turned on my heal walking off into the kitchen to see the cat sitting on the table with a dead mouse. I stared blankly at the cat before sighing. I would have to clean this up now.

I grabbed some cleaning supplies before putting on plastic gloves as to deal with the dead animal. I picked it up and took it outside using the toe of my shoe to dig a small hole then I dropped the mouse into the hole kicking a reasonable amount of dirt over the dead mouse before I walked back into the house taking the plastic gloves off and putting them into a disposable bag before putting a new pare of clothes on. I took one of the sprays and sprayed the table wiping it down with a cloth, once I had done that I put the cloth in the bag along with the gloves I was wearing before tying the bag shut and taking it out to the brown bin.

I got back in and stroked the cat who had now settled down on the sofa, I sat down next to cat. Now I just wait for Wilbur to get back and then we can have our movie day, we still had that cake in the kitchen that we could eat and I have loads of popcorn.

I picked up the cat laying on my back onto the sofa putting the cat on my chest as I stroked the soft fur.
"You fluffy ball of fur" i cooed with a grin.

Angel purred quietly as she slept on my chest, after a while Wilbur kicked the door and walked in,

"I'm home!" He grinned shutting the door and locking it as he came in, he had bring a suitcase with him that was discarded to the side on the sofa.

"Spoken as if you live here" I laughed. I would've gotten up to greet him but the sleeping cat on my chest stopped me.

Wilbur laughed quietly and shook his head,
"Full of fun" he replied.

"So down to business." I spoke sternly as the cat jumped off me and onto the carpeted floor before trotting off to find a quiet corner to sleep without the noisy interruptions.

"Business? I thought it was a chill movie day?" He questioned raising an eyebrow.

I sat up crawling to the side of the sofa where he was standing,
"You called me shortstack." I crossed my arms huffily.

He grinned a lopsided grin before replying,
"Well compared to me" he gestured to himself,
"As you can see I'm a lot taller than you" he snickered.

"Yes but it's rude" I protested.

"Yes but it's a true fact" he smugly spoke.

I crossed my arms and turned away from him.

"Who's being rude now?" He remarked grabbing the suit case and made his way to the bathroom to change.


I know that it's been ages since the last REAL chapter, I'm planning on getting Wilbur and (Y/N) together soon! This chapter was indeed short but not as short as you, shortstack!

Yeah that was a cheesy joke-
Well enjoy this chapter and stuff, soon will be another update. I'm not giving up on this story as a few people seem to think so uh just letting you know it's because I'm clumsy as heck as keep breaking my device so I can't get the chapters written.


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