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I woke up to my alarm sound going off, I turned my alarm off before I sat up groggily. I got out of bed and walked to my door unlocking it to let Angel out my room. Once Angel was out I left taking my glass from last night and leaving it in the kitchen sink, I grabbed a cereal bar before heading to my room placing the bar on the dresser. I grabbed out my work clothes and changed into them, it was pretty much a classic maid outfit you would see in anime just a little less sexual. It fitted me nicely and was pretty comfortable so I didn't mind it to much, I grabbed the cereal bar off the dresser after I was changed and began to eat it, once it was done I ojt the wrapper in the bin that sat in the corner of the room.

I walked out my room shutting the door behind me I headed over to the apartments door and left, I made my way over to the Cafe around the corner. It took me a couple minutes to arrive but once I was were it said that the shop was closed I checked the time and it sould be open by now, then I look at the date. It was a Saturday. The cafe isn't open on Saturdays. I sighed and started to head back to the apartment, I can't believe I came to work when it was shut. I felt stupid if I'm honest.

Once I got back into the apartment I locked the door and started to make my way back to my bedroom, once I got to my bedroom I changed into the green hoodie again I put on a pair of PJ short shorts on so I had something on under the hoodie. Once I was changed I grabbed my phone ignoring any discord messages because I wasn't to concerned about what was going on. Once I was finsished checking my phone I put it into the hoodie pocket and made my way to the kitchen to make some breakfast.
I walked into the kitchen to see Anne at the sink washing the glass I had used last night for the milk along with a couple dishes probably from something she drank or ate during the night,

"Hey Anne, anything your want in particular for breakfast?" I asked cheerily.

"I was just going to have cereal." She replied sounding slightly annoyed.

"Oh, alright. I'm gonna ask Tommy what he wants be back soon"

I walked out the kitchen and through the living room and then down the hall once I had gotten to Tommy's room I knocked. I heard him yell come in so I walked in and smiled at him before speaking,

"Hey Tommy, what would you like for breakfast?" I asked swaying slightly.

"Oh umm, Can I have bacon?" He asked politely.

"Coming right up!" I grinned.

I turned then left, I made my way back down the hall and through the livingroom till I arrived at my destination; the kitchen!
I entered the kitchen grabbing a frying pan to cook the bacon, I placed the pan on the stove before turning It on and putting a chunk of butter in. After the butter had melted I put the raw bacon into the buttery pan and it started to sizzle and spit. I flipped the bacon over. Anne was watching me cook with a glare that could kill.

Anne was 17 she moved out first chance she got for reasons unknown to me and we talked on twitter for a while arranging her to move in, in the end I said she could move into this apartment and we have been having people move in and out for a while now, that's how Tommy ended up moving in except he didn't message on Twitter.

Once all the bacon was done I plated it onto two plates as Anne didn't want any, I took the trip out the kitchen through the Livingroom and down the Hall to Tommy's room I pushed the door open without knocking,

"Hey Tommy, Bacons rea-" I stopped looking at Tommy, he was sitting at his desk streaming.

We both started at eachother for a minute before I quietly put his plate of bacon on his bed and rushed out shutting the door behind myself. I walked back down the hall to my room I walked in shutting my door before sitting on my bed putting my plate of bacon next to me.

I sighed mentally facepalming, I can't believe I walked in on his stream.

Tommy's pov

(Y/N) walked into my room we stared at eachother for about a minute before she quickly put one of the plates she was holding on my bed, it was full of bacon, before rushing out. She had a green hoodie that went down to just under her thighs, I heard Wilbur screaming into the mic,

"Tommy?! Who the heck is that?!" Ge screamed

"One of my roommates" I responded with a shrug.

I glanced at the chat and it was going crazy about (Y/N),

"When did you have roommates?" Wilbur asked confused

"Since I moved out and I guess she wouldn't be a roommate because we don't share a room" I shrugged not thinking anything of it

"Is she your girlfriend?" He started to sound like he was trying to interrogate me

"Ew, no! Shes over 20!" I screeched.

Wilbur chuckled and we continued to play Minecraft, at some point I got the plate of bacon and started to eat, it tasted amazing! (Y/N) was a greater cook.

(Y/N) pov

After I was done eating my bacon I sat on my gaming chair and logged into the server Clay invited me to so I could finish up my house, i made my house a small cottage with two floors and a balcony type thing on the top of the house.

After a bit I heard someone knock at the door, I could tell by the knock it was Tommy,

"Come on in!" I yelled taking my headset off and saving my game.

Tommy walked in and I immediately remembered about me walking in on his stream, I expected him to get mad about it but he didn't look very mad,

"Hey, the bacon was great!" He smiled.

"Glad you enjoyed it!" I replied awkwardly.

"I had a question..." he started

"Mhm?" I tilted my head

"Do you do youtube or stream?" He mumbled barely audible.

"Yup, I only started streaming resently though" I shrugged.

He nodded,

"Hey can I add you on twitter and discord?" He asked

I nodded grabbing my phone unlocking it and going onto discord, he pulled his phone out, I gave him my phone and he added himself then gave me my phone back, I then opened my twitter and gave him my phone once again, he then followed me on there.

"I'm assuming your quite well known then?" He asked Handing me my phone back.

"Huh? I mean I guess?" I shrugged not really understanding the question.

"Cool, maybe we could stream together sometime?" He offered.

"Sounds good" I nodded, he left shortly after and I checked his Twitter and he was fairly popular. I clicked off twitter and went onto discord, I decided to read though the messages.


Hey guys hope ya enjoyed the chapter~~ xD my friend probs gonna kill me lol

Word count- 1253

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