A Christmas Bet: Part 1

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MSBY was a well-known volleyball team that had quickly built a reputation. The media had deemed the team to be the most likely to knock the Adlers off of their number one spot.

The Jackals worked well together on the court, no one could deny that. Their teamwork was near perfect and it was obvious that they all trusted each other. Watching the team play in a match was exhilarating as it was mesmerizing.

People would rush to buy tickets to their matches to be able to get a chance to meet the talented

... However, they had also crowned them as the most chaotic out of all the teams in the League.

 Off the court, they seemed to cause more chaos than any average person should ever in their lifetime. The amount of trouble that the younger of the team caused had proved to be great entertainment for the media.

It had all begun when Miya Atsumu was in the middle of an interview. They had just won a match and were all still high from the adrenaline. Sakusa, Hinata and Bokuto were all getting their bottle from their gyms bags which they had kept inside the changing rooms while the rest of the team had dealt with the interviewers.

All of a sudden a scream was heard and all eyes had turned to the door that led to the changing rooms. They all watched as Hinata and Sakusa ran out of the room while Hinata continued to scream. A moment later Hinata ran out the room.

...and his hair was on fire.

Atsumu looked at the redhead who was running around the gym trying to put out the fire in his hair. He stood silent for moment before sighing.

"Can you excuse me? I have to take care of this."

The reporter silently nodded and Atsumu gave them a smile before walking to his gym bag and rummaging through it.

...The setter pulled out a fire extinguisher out of the bag.

He walked past Sakusa and Bokuto who were staring wide-eyed at the scene before and waited for Hinata to come near him before finally putting out the fire in his hair.

Hinata hadn't realized that his hair was no longer on fire until he finished another lap around the gym in a poor attempt to put out the fire. He slowed down and finally made a stop next to Bokuto and Sakusa who were facing Atsumu.

The fake blonde had an exasperated look in his eyes and he crossed his arms.


The three had nodded hesitantly.

"Next time try not to use fire to kill it. There's a damn spray in my locker that I have for these things. Fucking use it!"

"Okay, Tsumu-kun..."

"Yeah sorry, Tsum Tsum. We swear it won't happen again!"

(That was a fucking lie)


Atsumu raised an eyebrow, "You've got nothing to say, Omi-kun?"


Atsumu sighed for the umpteenth time before pulling out three towels out of seemingly nowhere. 

"Clean yourselves up. You look like a bunch of savages."

Atsumu gave them one last last glare before turning to the interviewer with a charming smile whose cameraman had been recording the whole incident.

That exact video had gone viral in less than 24 hours with over  10 million views. Their fans had dubbed Atsumu the mom of the team with Sakusa, Hinata and Bokuto being the chaotic children.

That had lead to their manager making a youtube account that Meian, Inunaki and Barnes managed. On the account, they would record all the dumb shit that would happen on the daily while the team would practice. Next thing you know, all the member had made twitter accounts and had plenty of conversations on there that went viral in a short spanse of time.

Their fans' favourite was still the tweet that the Jackals, Hinata Shouyou, had tweeted that had revealed his relationship with The Adlers, Kageyama Tobio.

They also loved when the whole League would have public bets every month. The one had earned the most money was whether or not Bokuto that been the one to confess first.

(Many people had lost their money on that one when Akaashi tweeted that he was in fact the first to confess and that Bokuto got so flustered he couldn't give Akaashi a proper answer until 30 minutes later)




League's chaos

Bokkun: @sakusa you can't just say that and walk away!

ninjashoyo: Yeah, explain yourself!

sakusa is online

Inunaki: Does anyone else have a clue what they're going on about?

Barnes: Nope

Meian: No, and I don't think I wanna know.

sakusa: not my fault you just assumed that I wasn't dating anyone

Inunaki: Wait wat?!!

Barnes: You're dating someone?

sakusa: did everyone not know i was dating someone?

Ushiwaka: if i'm correct, then no one in the gc had known you were dating anyone

komori: wait, I know he was dating someone

ninjashoyo: tell us who it is!

komori: nope! :)

Sakusa: ...so none of you know who i'm dating?

bokkun: NO!!

sakusa: ...

sakusa has left the gc

komori: bitch, you ain't leavin that easy

komori has added sakusa

sakusa: im not telling any of you

ninjashoyo: pls omi🥺

sakusa: no

inunaki: and why is that?

sakusa: because you'll eventually find out at the new year party

barnes: ???

sakusa: they're gonna be my date to the party

bokkun: wait, so we'll know at the new year party??

sakusa: yes

sakusa: now leave me alone, i have to finish cleaning my dorm

barnes: wtf-

ninjashoyo: ckdjbcbnbnc

bokkun: HOLY SHIT

Meian: well this is gonna be a pain


{everyone is panicking}

tsumu is online

tsumu: ...

tsumu: whatever the fuck is going on, count me out

tsumu is offline

tsumu has left the groupchat

Kagayama: ...so it's a bet?

ninjashoyo: FUCK YEAH, ITS A BET

UshiWaka: ..well this is going to be an interesting Christmas

A Christmas Bet- SakuAtsuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora