A Small Present For My Followers <3

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Heres the thing.

Right after I updated this book with the author's note announcing the hiatus, my followers skyrocketed and I now have 192 followers ;-;

So here are a bunch of short fics that I managed to complete which aren't that great to be honest...

These stories were written a while back so yeah, hope you enjoy them!!




He wasn't lonely. That's what Atsumu silently told himself as walked past his teammates who were happily chatting with his brother. He made his way outside and sat down curling up on himself since he forgot his bottle and couldn't bother to ask Osamu for his.

He really didn't care that his teammates hated him. They didn't like him and that wasn't something that mattered to him. If they didn't like him, it was their problem, not his.

 It didn't mean that he liked being alone though. Sure, Osamu was there for him, but he had his own group of friend that he would hang out and make plans with. Atsumu couldn't always rely on him to give him company.

 He sighed, resting his forehead on his knees, quietly cursing himself for forgetting his bottle.

 He was really thirsty.

 He heard shuffling noises beside and look to the side to see a boy with a mask and gloves on close the sliding door and sit next to him without a word.

 Atsumu recognized him as one of the volleyball players he was played with, Sakusa Kiyoomi. He was also a germaphobe, if he remembered correctly. He usually sat by himself when they had their breaks. So why did he decide to sit with Atsumu today? Did he even notice that Atsumu was there?

 Sakusa then brought out two bottles and quietly pushed one towards Atsumu. 

"You forgot your bottle again, right?"

 Atsumu was silent before nodding and taking the bottle that was offered to him, whispering a small thanks. 

After he finished using the bottle, he turned to give to Sakusa to which the curly-haired boy firmly shook his head. 

"You can keep it. I'm never using it again cause you used it already"

Atsumu tilted his head in confusion, "Then why give it to me in the first place?" 

Sakusa glanced at him before he turned to look forward again "Because you forgot your bottle."

 Atsumu eyes widened before he let out a soft chuckle. "Of course."

There was a moment of silence before Sakusa spoke again, "Did you watch the volleyball match the Jackals had last night?"

 Atsumu nodded his head rapidly, "Yeah, I did! They were so cool, I want to join their team when go into pro volleyball."

"You wanna play professional volleyball too?" 

"Yep! I'll the best setter that they've ever seen! Wait, you wanna go into pro too?" 


 And they talked and talked until their break was over and they had to go back to practice. They did however stay back after practice to do try some new moves they had learnt.

 3 weeks later and Atsumu made his way past the same group of friends. However, this time two things were different. One, he had his bottle him this time and two, he was dragging his best friend by the hand to their usual spot so that they could rant about last night's volleyball match between the Adlers and the Jackals. 

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