The Christmas Bet: Part 5

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Lev lets out a giggle as held his phone sin his left hand, the other running their fingers gently through Yaku's hair as the latter rested his head on the younger's lap.

Yaku raised an eyebrow at this, "And what's got you in a giggle fest this time?"

Lev glanced at Yaku and smiled, "Bokuto-san and Kuroo-san are arguing with Oikawa. And they've come up with some really weird insults."

Yaku smirked, "Well,, I guess that's to be expected of Kuroo. The idiots gonna go on for a long time..."

Lev smiled, "It's fun to see them come up with the insults though. Oikawa has already called Kuroo-san a rooster five times already. And Bokuto-san's just sending key smashes, Akaashi is translating them somehow."

Yaku let out a chuckle, "Has anyone tried to stop them yet?"

Lev was silent for a moment before answering, "Meian-san stop Bokuto but gave up after, like, 5 minutes? And Iwaizumi-san tried to do the same with Oikawa-san but he shut up real quick after he sent, "Hajime, shut the fuck up."

Yaku frowned for a moment, "Are they dating or are they still being idiots?"

"I think they got married already."

Yaku eyes widened as he tried to get up, but Lev's hand pulled him back down, "Wait, what?! When?!"

Lev hummed, continuing to run his hand through the strawberry blonde locks, "I think in Argentina, back when Iwaizumi went there to visit Oikawa-san."

"...well there goes my guess on it being Iwaizumi."

Lev let out a laugh at that, "What?" He put his phone down and looked at  Yaku, "You bet on Iwaizumi-san? Why?"

Yaku grumbled, "Everyone had a crush on that guy at some point."

"I guess you're not wrong."

They sat there in silence for a moment before Yaku, "Wanna order takeout?"

Lev's eyes lit up, "Can we order from that new ramen place?"

Yaku let out a fond sigh and gently ruffled Lev's hair, "Sure thing."




"Tsukki, you need to stop worrying over that bet." Yamaguchi said as he placed a plate in front of the blonde.

The latter grumbled, "I'm not worried over that dumb bet."

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow at that, "Really? Then why do you keep scrolling through the groupchat?"

"I just wanna crush their spirits, is that that so bad?"

"Tsukki, you sound like a psychopath." Yamaguchi deadpanned.

Tsukki was quiet for a moment before letting out a groan, "I still don't know who it is!"

Yamaguchi chuckled silently, "How about I make us some snacks?"

"...dino nuggets?"

Yamaguchi smiled, "Dino nuggets."





Ushijima turned to see Tendou putting his scarf on the hanger, a bag in hand. "Hello Satori."

Tendou smiled, "I got you some chocolates I made! I'm trying out a new recipe."

Ushijima's eyes lit up with slight curiosity, "Shall we have them now?"

"Of course, 'Toshi!"

"Ushijima got up and  helped Tendou pull of  his coat, Tendou placing the bag of what he assumed was chocolate on the table as Ushijima hung his coat.

Tendou hummed, "Did you place your bet yet, Wakatoshi?"

"Yes, I did."

"Oh really!" Tendou grinned, "Who did you bet on?"

Ushijima's eyebrow's furrowed, "I was under the impression that we were to keep them a secret."

Tendou eyes widened before he let out a soft chuckle, "Ah, Wakatoshi-kun. I should have expected you'd follow the rules to a t."

"Should I tell you, Satori?"

"No need. Now lets have these chocolates, shall we?"

"Of course Satori."




"Kageyama, give me the phone back!"

"No way, let me see who you bet on!"

"Nu-uh! You're just gonna copy it then!"

"Boke, just tell me who you bet on!"





Osamu and Oikawa's DM's

Oikawa: The only couple who's got their shit together is Yaku and Lev...

Osamu: ...Oddly enough, I'm not surprised at that.

Oikawa: do you think tsumu knows whats going on

Osamu: no idea

Osamu: let me ask him




Osamu and Atsumu's DM's

Osamu: hey tsumu, do you know that there's a bet going on about who sakusas dating?

Atsumu: This is sakusa

Atsumu: and yes, atsu knows about the bet

Atsumu: he added himself to the group using your phone and deleted the announcement thing

Atsumu: hes busy laughing at everyones stupidity

Osamu: wait, how did he use my phone? I have a password???

Atsumu: he says it sunas birthday, and that you're a simp 

Osamu: tell him i said fuck you

Atsumu: he says 'right back at you'.

Atsumu: he also says he wants a third of the prize money

Atsumu: make that a fourth, i want in too

Osamu: OK FINE




Osamu: Tsumu wants in.

Osamu: and so does Sakusa

Oikawa: godammit

A Christmas Bet- SakuAtsuМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя