Ugh. I'm sorry about that Hali. I understand why you're being so shocked. It's unlikely for me too.

As he walked into the kitchen he didn't notice there was Gempa, chopping up some vegetables. He was still facing from where he was, thinking about Halilintar. While, Gempa realised Taufan was walking towards him.

"Oh! Taufan! Good timing! It's your turn to cook for today, remember?" reminded Gempa as he passed a knife to Taufan. But instead of passing in a safe way, he somehow aimed the knife in front of Taufan. With Taufan still not paying attention, when he turned his head back, the sight of the knife literally in front of him, made him screamed.


"Huh? What's wrong?" clueless Gempa.

"Don't point the knife like that! It's dangerous!" horrified Taufan pushing the knife away from his range.

"Ahh...So sorry. I should be more careful."

"Yes! You should! You almost give me a heart attack!"

"Alright, alright. Just calm down."

After he calmed down a bit, he wondered something. "Huft! I'm okay now. Oh, yeah. Why did you pass the knife just now?"

"Looks like you didn't hear what I said. I said, today it's your turn to cook. Don't you remember?" said Gempa again and this time he passed the knife gently.

Taufan facepalm himself due to forgetting. "Oh, yeah! I forgot it's my turn today! Alright then, I'll get cooking!"

But, as he was about to chop, a flash of memory hit him! A reminder that he had the 'something-someone' inside him that caused the mischievous destruction in the house. So holding a sharp object was not a good idea right now. He was afraid that 'the inner him' would unexpectedly show up to do some dangerous things. He immediately dropped the knife.

"Eh? Are you okay, Taufan?" surprised Gempa with the sudden act. Taufan was having a cold sweat and his right hand was shaking so much.

"Taufan?" called Gempa again and this time Taufan reacted. He holds his shaking hand, trying to force it to stop. He faced Gempa. "Y-yeah?"

"What's wrong? You're shaking so much," worried Gempa, holding Taufan's hands.

"I-I'm f-fine. D-don't worry a-about it."

"And you shuttered so much. What is it? You can tell me."

(Author: Mother alert!)

"I-I'm just not f-feeling well. I-I'm sorry. C-can you cook for t-today instead? I'll p-promise to make it up t-tomorrow," excused Taufan. He seriously wants to run away right now.

Gempa patting his little brother's head softly. "Well. You do look so pale. Okay then, I'll cook instead. Now, go to your room, okay?" soothed him. It does make Taufan calm a bit.

"T-thank you. See you later," waved Taufan as he went.

As he left the kitchen and passed Halilintar who was still in shock, he heard someone calling his name. He turned to the living room area and saw his youngest brother waving his hand at him. He and the rest of the family were gathering around the table.

"Y-yeah?" questioned Taufan by the call.

"Big brother Taufan! Come and join us! We're making pinwheels origami! It's so much fun!" squealed Thorn.

"It's not that challenging for an origami by the way," said Solar bluntly as he read an origami book.

"Oh, sound fun, Thorn but I-" But before he could finish saying, Thorn was about to hand him a colored paper and a pair of scissors to him. The sight of scissors shrieked him.

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