Something Mysterious

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New chapter ahead! Reminder, I don't do shipping in this fanfic. If you felt I made shipping then it is because of their personalities and because of the fandom itself.


Chapter 2, Something Mysterious

A month after Taufan's accident.


An air-conditioner clattering in a gloomy dawn. A room filled with darkness and silence revealed a blue figure sleeping on his bed. Blue figure? Yeah, it was Taufan. He kept tossing around like he was having a nightmare.

"Well, well, well. Looks like there is someone can't sleep well.", a voice suddenly spoke up. A voice that was filled with annoyances.

"Ceh, wake up you sleepy head!"

A feel of pain came rushing to the Taufan's head forcing him to wake up.

"Argh!", shocked Taufan as he immediately sat up. He was panting vigorously, digesting what just happened. He looked at his alarm clock showing it was 5.10 am.

"Ugh~ What was that pain just now?", asked himself as he slowly wiping his sweaty forehead. Suddenly, he touched something on the left side of his bed. It felt cold and sharp. He cautiously pulling away his blanket where he found out that it was a pair of scissors.

"Huh? Why there is a scissor on my bed? What did I do last night?", but he didn't recall anything about using a scissor. He decided to forget it for now and left the room to solat.





After breakfast,

In the living room, Gempa and Ice were looking something.

"Guys, have you guys seen Ice's whale plushie?", asked Gempa to his brothers that were all gathered there.

"I thought you washed it yesterday?", confused Solar as he stopped reading a thick book. Now, all for them were facing Gempa and Ice.

"Yes, and I let it dry for a whole night. But now it's gone."

"I became a light sleeper when I don't have my plushie.", intervened Ice, feeling sad.

"Please, help us find it. I don't want to sleep with him anymore.", whined Gempa.

"What do you mean?", confused Taufan.

"Since Ice can't sleep well, the alternative way is sleeping with me.", explained Gempa and Ice added, "I'm used to it since I was small."

"Why didn't I know much about you?", questioned Blaze. It was the first time he heard that statement.

"You never really care about me.", answered Ice sarcastically.


"But why can't you take it anymore, Gem?", curious Halilintar.

"It because he keeps hugging me tightly! If he just sleeps right next to me, I'm okay with that! But he keeps hugging me until I can't breathe! Now, I'm the one who can't sleep!", frustrated Gempa. Ice could only smile shyly, feeling silly right now.

"Why don't you just sleep next to me?", asked Blaze since he and Ice are twins.

"You don't remember do you? When we were little and you let me sleep next to you. You keep changing your positions and your foot hit me in the face."

"Oh~ I did sleep like that. Hehehe, sorry."

"Shouldn't we start looking?", interrupted Thorn making everyone shocked that they were just talking instead of looking. They were all searching every inch of the house from the second floor to the backyard, but still they couldn't find that blue whale plushie. Before they could give up, phew finally! Thorn found it!

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