Movie Night Headcannons

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- Florida, DC, California, are not trusted with the popcorn

-DC is normally not invited, or accidentally gets left out. He does get dragged there sometimes.
One time it was a Halloween movie. The man threw the popcorn sky high over a scare. He always gets super paranoid after horror movies

- Florida eats all the popcorn if he's given the bowl.
Tried to tease DC after watching a couple horror movies until he realized how bad it fucked with his anxiety and immediately apologized and helped to distract from the paranoia.
Notices the little details in movies
Loves Disney best and will sing all the songs

- Texas always votes for cowboy westerns.
Tries to act touch during horror movies but ends up clinging to whoever's next to him. A few unfortunate times it has been Oklahoma.
Always cries when an animal dies

- California used to be trusted with the bowl but turned out to be a secret popcorn theif.
Debates movie meanings and points out the small details with Florida
Usually sits next to New York
Actually not scared of horror and is the kind of person to have to hold back laughs at the cheesy effects
Loves action movies, sci-fi, or those detective ones where they gotta figure out the stuff and it all comes together in the end. He figures it out before the detective, much to the annoyance of others and himself

- Romcoms are New York's guilty pleasure.
He absolutely binges them with Cali. Florida as well if he's not busy testing DC's patience

- Florida will drag the others into singing Disney duets with him

- Georgia ends up falling asleep before the big fight or the issues get solved and is hella mad about is.

- Mass and New York always argue over movies
Either sits on the couch arm or somehow ends up right next to New York
It just happened like that he swears

- Utah is trusted with the popcorn but normally not given it since he insists everyone has a fair amount but in the slightly annoying way and people are greedy bastards.
He likes very wholesome movies

- Colorado sits obnoxiously close to Utah.
Always chill and sometimes used as a pillow
Will gladly let most other states cuddle him if they get too scared

- The Dakota's are reminded during every movie to shut up and stop bickering

- Alaska watches some of the movies.
He normally watches from s distance unless another state drags him into the living room.
He's also used quite often as a pillow

- They always have movie night whenever Hawaii stops by

Incorrect statehouse quotes (And Headcannons) because I canWhere stories live. Discover now