"Nothing, I just want to stay home tonight" I answered. 

"Well hope your parents won't mind" She said with a grin. I glared at her.

"I meant alone" I demanded. I got up and walked outside. I can't stand that Alison girl. GEEZ. She has this idea that we are a couple. I NEVER EVEN ASKED HER OUT. I stood up against the soccor pole. I looked up at the sky. 

"YO bro what you doing?" Eddy asked waking me up from my day dream.

"What does it look like" I replied. He and Rachel came closer.

"You seem more pissed today" Rachel said looking worried.

"Its nothing don't worry" I explained.

"Does it have anything to do with the picture?" Eddy asked. I glared at him.

"Thas none of your buisness" I growled.

"Calm down would ya" Eddy demanded.

"I think it has something to do with Sarah" Rachel said with a smile. I looked at her. 

"NO" I yelled. The stared at me. They said goodbye and left. FINALLY. I am now alone.  I looked up from the ground and saw Sarah walking outside. GEEZ why must she be out here. I looked at her and she looked at me. I turned away. I hope she keeps walking. I looked up and I was right, she kept on walking. All of a sudden I was following her. I don't know what it is but there something about her thats fimilular. She turned around and looked at me. I stopped and looked at her. Her eyes were a dark brown and I got a flash back. 

James Flash Back: 

Today is my 5th birthday. I can't wait to see what my family has planned for me.

"James darlying, come downstairs and bring Eddy and Rachel" mom asked me. I went to get my brother and sister. We all came downstairs.

"Is something wrong?" Eddy asked. We kids looked at our parents.

"They have returned" my father said. We looked at him puzzled.

"The Valter family is back in town" mom explained to us. We all looked shocked. WHAT THEY ARE BACK. This is horrible. They are the reason people fear us vampires. They think we all are scary and eat humans, but my family only drink blood from dead animals/people. 

"We are going to look for them, to make sure they are staying out of trouble." my father said to us. Eddy and rachel looked at me. I nodded my head.

"We want to go with you" Eddy said to our parents. They nodded their heads. We all left the house on the look out for the Valter family. Its been 3 hours and we haven't found them. We walked by this big house. I stared at the house. The door was wide open. 

"MOM,DAD LOOK" I yelled pointing towards the house. We all ran to the house. We walked in. I heard someone scream. 

"Stay away from her" a voice demanded. 

"AWW is she that speical to you" the father of the Valter family said. 

"AHAHAHAHAHAH" a little girl screamed. 

"KEVIN LEAVE THIS FAMLIY ALONE" my father demanded. 

"NEVER" Kevin answered. He grabbed the little girl and threw her towards the wall. I ran and caught her before she hit the wall. She curled up in my arms and started to cry. I tried to comfort her. Kevin and Mary went towards her parents. My family and the Valters got into a bloody fight. After the fight the Valters left. I look at my dad. The little girl ran to an older woman. We looked at the dead people laying on the ground. The little girl cried harder. Her parents were killed during the fight since they were trying to stop the Valters. I looked a the little girl and The older woman. The were in tears. We came back the next day but the little girl and older woman were gone. The house was empty. We seached the house. I walked into a room. I look around and saw something by the window. I picked it up. It was a picture of the little girl with her parents and the older woman. I put it in my pocket. 

James's pov:

I snapped out of my flash back. I looked back at Sarah. Her eyes are the same has the little girl I saw years ago. Could Sarah be that little girl? I wounder if she is. Sarah turned around and walked away. School is now over, so I headed to my car. Eddy and Rachle were already there waiting for me. I got to the car and unlocked the doors. Sarah was getting into her car. I watched her and got into mine. She drove off in the opposite direction has me. When I got home Rosealinda came running out of the house. She ran up to me and jumped in my arms. I carried her back to the house. Mom and dad were in the living room whispering.

"Whats going on?" I asked them. They got up and looked at me,Eddy and Rachel. We looked at them. Rosealinda was confussed.

"Rosie darlying please go up to your room and do your homework" I told her and she nodded. After we heard her door close we all sat down. 

"You remember the night when we saved that family from the Valters?" my mom asked us. We nodded. 

"Well they are back, they believe that little girl is here in this town" father explained. 

"Are you serious?" I asked. They nodded. NO WAY. I knew it. I knew she was here. 


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