4X02: Trial Date

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AUTHORS NOTE: Hey Guys! It's Katie & Britt! We have a special message for our FAVORITE commenter: We delayed this update just for you. We made sure we took our time so you could send us MORE hate. We never said we would update the day after the episode. As long as it's up before the next one we're fine. ALSO, who says we can't do school and write at the same time. We look forward to delaying more updates in the future if this continues on. Thanks!

ALSO! When we said soon for Dear Robert, we meant after school was over. Who says we can't have two books or more at once. There's no rule saying we have to finish one book before we start another one, but please carry on with your day and comment more hate.

Love You X


After hanging up the phone with Richard, Robert looked down at the photo Andy had sent him once more, studying every inch of it. He noted the way her eyes sparkled in the sunlight and the way she smiled so bright. He couldn't remember the last time she smiled like that. It put a smile on his own face knowing that his wife was truly happy for once. He had only wished that he could be there with her and share in her bliss. It wasn't long however, before he was interrupted by another incoming call.

"Robert Sullivan speaking" he said, not knowing who was on the other end of the call. "Hello, Robert, it's Nancy Carter, I'm calling to let you know that your trial is going to be a week from Monday. We will meet up the day before to go over everything and how we will present your case." Robert's lawyer spoke on the other end. Before he could say anything, she spoke again. "If you haven't thought of anyone to speak on your behalf, you should get on that. You need people to speak on your behalf. This isn't just your career at stake Robert, it's your reputation." With that Nancy hung up as quick as she called, leaving Robert in a somewhat shocked and confused state. He didn't expect for him to be given a trial date so soon. As his lawyer insinuated, he in fact hadn't talked to anyone about speaking on his behalf. Honestly, he didn't even know who he could talk to. It was all beginning to get overwhelming. That's when he looked down at his phone and was reminded of the person he had gotten off the phone with before the brief call with his lawyer. He quickly found his way to the newest contact in his phone, his finger hovered over the call button for a few seconds before clicking the dial.

The phone rang for a few seconds before Richard Webber finally picked up. "Robert? Are you alright?" Robert nodded his head and said, "Yeah everythings fine. It's just that after we hung up my lawyer called and gave me the date of my hearing. She said that it will be a week from Monday and that I need to start preparing. She also told me I need to find someone to speak on my behalf. I know we just met and all and that it's such short notice but, do you think that maybe you could, uh- speak on my behalf for me?" Richard smiled and said, "It would be my pleasure." Robert let out a breath he didn't know he was holding before saying, "Thank you Richard. It really does mean a lot to me. I'll send you more information as the date gets closer." Richard gave a slight nod of his head before saying, "I'll see you then." and ended the call.

Upon hanging up, Robert saw a missed text from his wife. Oh how he ached to be with her. The text read: Leaving the park now. It was good to see my family. How was your meeting? Robert smiled before sending a text back: It was good. I got some important news today that I want to discuss with you. Do you think maybe we could FaceTime at some point tonight? It didn't take long before he received a response from her. Is that a good idea? I don't want to do anything that could jeopardize your recovery. Any other time, he would agree with her, but he needed her this one time. Babe, it's about my trial. I really need to talk to you. It doesn't have to be a long call. Plus I miss seeing your face every day. Robert set his phone down and leaned his head back against the wall after sending his last text. He needed his wife as much as she needed him. A few minutes passed and he was beginning to think he wasn't going to get a response. That was until the familiar sound of his wife's ringtone started playing from his phone. Looking down, he saw that she was calling him.

He couldn't grab the phone fast enough before accepting her call to reveal her face. "Hey, Beautiful" he said with a smirk on his face. "Hey" she whispered as she tried to hide the blushed smile forming on her face. "I miss you" he said as he looked at her through his screen, wanting nothing more than to reach through and hold her close. "I miss you too." She said as she looked at him with the same longing look he gave her. They were both quiet for several moments, neither one knowing what to say to the other. "So, how was your meeting?" She asked as she tried to break the silence between them.. "I already told you earlier. I said it was good." He replied. Andy just rolled her eyes and said, "Sweetie, it's me. You can talk to me. How did the meeting really go?" He chuckled a bit. His wife knew him too well and could read him like a book. "The truth?" He questioned. She gave a nod of her head for him to continue on.

"Truth be told, I hated it. All we did was was talk about our feelings and our emotions and our life stories. And well, that's not something I like to do. Not in front of strangers anyways." He said and she knew instantly what he was talking about. When she first met him he was closed off and barely showed any kind of emotion. The more she got to know him though, the more he opened up to her. They eventually became friends. She became his person. His rock. His wife. And now she was the only one he trusted to be his true self around. She thought it was kind of sweet how he would only share stuff with her. But right now, she knew he had to overcome this fear of his in order to stay clean and to stay healthy. "I know how you can be Robert, but you have to work on opening up to people more. I know it's scary, but for your sake, it's so important." Andy said, a sad smile gently covering her face. As Robert looked at her eyes through his phone's screen he could see love and hope for the future.

"My trial is a week from Monday, are you gonna come?" He asked, trying to avoid the subject. Andy slightly shook her head as she knew what he was trying to do, but she would let it slide for now. She knew if he wanted to truly get better, he would do what he had to. "Only if you want me there." She said quietly as she let out a quiet breath. Robert only nodded his head but ceased to say another word. A few minutes of silence passed before Robert finally got the courage to speak again. "I probably should go," Robert began, knowing the longer they stayed on facetime the more they would have a desire to break the 90 days. Andy let out a sigh as she nodded her own head, the goodbye was always the hardest part. "I love you," he whispered. "I love you too," she whispered back. With that, his wife's face was no longer on the screen in his hand, but she would forever have a place in his heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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