Suspicions《Part 17》

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*totally did not plan the next 8 chapters at 1a.m last night because my mind was bursting with ideas-----

"You're not nothing to me either."

She hesitated, but she still said it. That means she cares a little bit, right?

"I don't know why you're so focused on yesterday," Plagg interrupts, "What's so special about that girl?"

I sigh and slam my textbook shut. Homework can wait. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean it's going anywhere.

"Let's just say we have history," I finally say. My kwami doesn't know the whole story, just the fact that Alice and I used to be friends.

So...what are we now?

Alice's change was noticeable after that day. In the 1 and a half years after our friendship ended, I saw her only once. And when I did, it was like looking at a whole different person. The caring girl who's eyes were always filled with sparkles was replaced with someone sarcastic, annoyed, and a dark glare full of distrust.

The old her isn't coming back, but a new part of her is showing more whenever I see her. This doesn't make us friends,  but at least we're not enemies, right?

"But are you absolutely sure you can trust her?" Plagg yawns, "Isn't her sister a really bad liar or something like that? How do you know she won't just use you for attention?"

I quickly shake my head at the thought. "Lila just lies because she wants attention. Alice is kind of the opposite. She hates attention, or at least too much of it."

I open one of the desk drawers and pull out Alice's necklace.

"How the heck is this dangerous?" I ask to no one in particular. 

"Hmmm maybe it's like a cataclysm and she can't control it," Plagg suggests.

I stare at it a moment longer, and then I notice something that wasn't there before. "Plagg, this thing didn't always have a crack in it, did it?" I ask, wondering how this happened in the first place.

The crack is small, very small. But it's there, coming off the tip of the moon. Plagg flies in for a closer look. "Hey maybe that's why! Because it's broken and you just need to fix it. Problem solved!"

It's not solved at all. I feel like it's a lot more than just a crack in the necklace. There has to be a bigger reason Alice can't use her powers.

Before I can say anything else to Plagg the door to my room opens and Nathalie walks in, which makes me jump a little. Plagg quickly ducks somewhere away from sight.

"Adrien, you're father asked me to make sure you--"

She stops abruptly as her eyes go to the necklace that's now sitting on my desk. "Adrien, where did you get that?" she asks sternly.

This catches me by surprise. Why is Nathalie wondering about that? This doesn't seem like something she'd care about. I can't lie to her though....but I also can't tell the whole story. 

"It...belongs to a friend," I mutter, trying to be as careful as possible with my words, "She has some stuff going on and asked me to keep it safe for her. I was double checking to make sure nothing happened to it. That's all."

Nathalie raises an eyebrow at this, as if she's questioning whether to believe me or not.

"Really? I never though Chloe Bourgeois would be the kind of person to ask a favor like that," she says.

That's because she probably wouldn't. But at least she thinks it's Chloe, so I have something to work with here.

"I didn't think she would either, but I guess people are full of surprises right? Anyway, what did you come in here for?"

Nathalie stares at me a second longer, then she instantly switches back to her professional demeanor as she looks at the list in her hands.

" just a reminder that you have a photo shoot scheduled for exactly one hour and thirty minutes from now" she says," Please be prepared to leave by that time."

Without even waiting for my response, Nathalie leaves. As soon as the door is closed and I'm sure she's away from my room, Plagg flies out from where he was hiding.

"Sooo why was she so curious? Doesn't she just have to make sure you do all your boring perfect boy stuff?" Plagg says tiredly.

I frown at his comment. "That's not all that Nathalie does Plagg, and you know that," I say.

Plagg looks confused but then quickly apologizes when he sees my expression. I forgive him obviously, but I'm wondering the same thing.

I might be overthinking, but why would Nathalie wonder about that?

3 H ø u r s Ł a t e r
No one's POV

As the sun sets and the people of Paris go quiet, a certain lady waits for her cat at the top of the Eiffel Tower.

As her feet dangle she knows that the reason they are supposed to meet tonight is for a patrol, but in the mean time she enjoys the feeling of her indigo hair blowing in the breeze.

"Nice night isn't it?" Ladybug says, now compelty aware of her partner standing behind her.

Chat smirks and pulls himself up so that he's sitting on the railing right next to her. "Its nicer now that I'm with you," he says.

"You don't mean that," Ladybug says jokingly.

Chat puts a hand on her shoulder. "I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it."

Ladybug tries but fails to hide her smile from him.

As the two heroes sit on the railing looking out at the city, their original motive for coming seems to be forgotten, at least for a moment.
Suddenly, Chat's conversation with his kwami the day before comes back to him.

"She doesn't deserve that."

"What am I doing? Why is it so hard to choose between them? I don't want to mess with either of their feelings." Chat thinks.

"Hey, you okay?" Ladybug asks, shaking Chat Noir out of his thoughts.

Chat hesitates for a second "I'm fine," he says quickly. He turns to his partner.

"So, should we get started?"

Ladybug narrows her eyes at him, but she doesn't push it further.

"Yeah...lets just go." she replies.

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