Discoveries《Part 4》

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Alice POV

I don't know what's going on. I don't know, and I hate the fact that I don't know. My feet drag me towards the Eiffel Tower, the closer I get the harder the rain falls. It's like a ghost town, but better. In an instant, more rain clouds show up in the sky. Except these ones are darker, and look much more dangerous. Yet I don't turn around. My feet don't stop, and I don't even care. But I do care at the same time. I try to ignore my gut feeling, telling me that I should leave. Before I can turn around, I hear a scream in the distance.

I can't move. I want to leave, I want to get out of here.

The worst part is that I can't.

Ladybug POV

I stand against the wall, fidgeting with my hands. I want to take my mind off of what's happening, but I can't.

"Can't you wake her up yet!?" I ask impatiently to Master Fu, who is standing in front of me.

He gives me a stern look, and goes right back to ignoring me.

"Just great," I think. "I thought if I brought Alice to Master Fu he could figure something out!"

I'm about to ask again, when the limp body on the mat suddenly stirs. Master Fu takes a step back as the girl's hazel eyes flutter open. Shaking slightly, Alice looks exhausted and terrified at the same time. I immediately go over to her.
"You ok?" I ask.

She turns to look at me and her eyes go wide.

"How--why--?" She instantly makes a move to get up, but she ends up wincing in pain and falls back, landing in my arms. I move her long, dark hair out of her eyes. Her eyes speak irritation but the rest of her face says otherwise.

"You've been unconscious for a while now. Just stay still for a second, okay," I say as I get her to sit down again. "Let me explain."

So I tell her everything. What me and Chat saw in the park, how we found her passed out and how I decided to take her here. Alice nods slowly after I finish explaining. She's stopped resisting, but I can tell by the way she looks at me that she'd rather be anywhere else.

"So why here of all places?" she asks in a sharp tone. It kind of startles me.

"Your necklace." Master Fu says simply.

Alice looks kind of surprised for a moment. She looks less surprised after I take some time to explain who he is.

"So, what does my necklace have to do with this?" Alice asks, still not getting the idea.

"So, you have no idea that your necklace is a miraculous?" I say blankly.

She stays silent. After several long moments, she says,"I know this give me powers. But I never thought it was a miraculous. I don't even know how to use this thing, even though I've had it for a while."

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