I (Don't) Hate You《Part 10》

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"I just don't know how I'm gonna talk to him!" Marinette says as we walk towards her locker. "If he doesn't like me back, I don't want to get my heart broken."

"Why would he break your heart when he could break your bones?" I say in biting voice. Mari gives me a sharp look and says sarcastically, "Well you seem like a bundle of sunshine today. Is something wrong?" she asks, pulling the sleeve of my jacket.

"Mhm! Yeah." I reply sharply. We've reached her locker now. I've been wanting to tell her for the past ten minutes, but she keeps talking about her stupid crush. I'm not gonna get anywhere at this point.

I look around and finally spot who I'm looking for. "I need to do something Mari. I'll see you later, okay?" I don't wait for her to respond and head towards the lockers a couple rows in front of us.

I become increasingly annoyed as I head towards his locker. I don't want to talk with him. But if Mari's not gonna bother listening today, I won't waste my time.

Then I see him. Well, and her. And suddey, Adrien is against his locker as Chloe leans in for a kiss. Reacting on instinct, I pull him away just as he notices me. "Um, who are you supposed to be?" Chloe asks in her annoying voice, obviously upset at what I just did.

"I need to borrow your boyfriend for a bit. Sorry not sorry." I pull his arm and we leave the locker room, and I head for a corner under one of the stairs.

"Alice why---"

"Listen cause I'm not gonna repeat myself. There was an akuma in my room yesterday."

Adrien gives me a worried look. "What? Alice, what happened for there to be an akuma in your room?" he asks. I ignore his question and go on. "Just a little argument with someone. Anyway, it flew into the photo I was holding at the time."

"And I'm guessing you were able to fight it off?" he says. It sound more like a statement than a question. "Yeah I was, but...never mind."

This is where he looks confused, and I realize I kinda sound ridiculous.

This leaves me thinking, but I don't bother confiding my thoughts with him. Those days are over. I sigh, and mutter "Anyway, I just wanted to let you know, that's all. It just felt strange, so I decided to...you know...tell you."

Adrien nods, and smiles. "You know, I'm glad you decided to talk to me. I honestly thought you would keep something like this to yourself."

I scowl. "Well I would, but something didn't feel right. I feel like I shouldn't have been able to do that." And Marinette was being a love-sick idiot!

"Well anyway, just keep it in mind, will you." I turn on my heels and walk away in a huff. But not before he grabs my hand to stop me from leaving, and says ever so quietly, "Alice, be careful."

His words catch me by surprise, and it takes me a second to realize he means it. But if he really meant it, he would've said it years ago. Slowly, I pull my hand away and then I turn to him.

"I'm only telling you this because I know who you are. You're nothing to me, and I know you feel the same way about me."

"Alice, I don't--"

I cut him off by angrily pushing him against the wall. "You. Are. Nothing to me." I hiss. I don't bother looking him in the eye, because I know it'll just make me angrier, and I'll end up doing something I regret.

"I meant what I said that day Adrien. I hate you."

Finally, I let go of him and when I turn around, I run. I don't look, I just let my feet take me where they want. And apparently, they decide the last stall in the girls bathroom.

I hurriedly lock the door and take a second to breath. It feels like I almost forgot how to do that. I'm so tired of this. I'm tired of having to deal with these people. Why does he act like he cares after all these years? He was the one that ended it between us, so why is he running back now?

It then dawns on me how late I am. Whatever, I'll just skip today. If I avoid enough late people, I'll be able to leave. I unlock the stall door and to my surprise, I see Daphne. Unfortunately for me, she whirls around at the sound of the door unlocking and sees me.

"Alice! Um...hi."

I sigh. Of course she'd react like that, especially after what happened. Swallowing my pride and nearly choking on it, I reply, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted like that Daphne."

She gasps and says playfully, "You? You're actually apologizing? And meaning it?" I turn red in embarrassment as she laughs.

"I just felt bad alright? I....really hated when you reacted like that, even if it was kinda expected." I say quietly.

I've never been good at apologies. They always sound so fake, even though I should be sorry. I just end up feeling even worse at the end, because I really am sorry. I just don't know to properly tell them...

"But you kinda deserve an apology right now... " I say, focusing back on my current situation.

Daphne stops laughing at then and gives me a genuine smile. "You know I was kinda scared when I first saw you. You kind of gave me an intimidating vibe, like you were always mad or something."

"Why did you bother approaching me then?" I ask bluntly.

"Well, I used to read people wrong, and I ended getting the wrong idea from them," Daphne started. I noticed her turning a deep shade of pink.

This must be embarrassing to her I guess. "I figured you were the same, and it wouldn't hurt getting to know what you were really like," she finished enthusiastically.

I have to smile at this. Just then, an idea comes to mind. "Hey, are you free this weekend Daphne?"

She responds by hugging me tightly. "Yay! I knew you'd give in eventually!" she squeals. I knew she was hyper, but I didn't think she could go all the way to acting like a little kid. Finally she lets go and grins.

"You know, you're definitely not as bad as you seem Alice. Now come on we're late!"

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