Ch 1: Confusion

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A/N: I will admit to have been pissed about Laurel's death. There was so much they could have done with her and they just kill her? Without even giving us a nice closure to her character. Not only that but the way she was killed? Oh hell no. So that's about the first thing I'll change. Which also means, the first few chapter will mostly focus on Laurel, but there will also be a lot of Felicity later. Everything before 4x18 will stay exactly the same. That's right, I'll work with what arrow gave me.


"Adrian" Oliver sobbed. His words coming out barely audible. He was shaking, sweating, crying. He didn't even feel like himself at the moment. Every single part of his body ached. And not because of physical pain, because of actual, emotional pain. He looked at the man before him, with desperate eyes. All the anger disappeared as pain took over. "Please"

"Please, Give me her location"

Adrian smiled in awe. For the first time in his entire existence. He heard Oliver Queen beg. "Whose Oliver?" He asked.

Oliver hung his head low.

"Say her name, say it" Chase whispered. "Don't think too much about it, just say her name. Save her. I know you know whose, but you're scared. Don't be, don't be Ollie, just say it"

Oliver bent to the floor and clutched the floor. He banged his head against it.

"Who is it gonna be Oliver" Adrian raised his voice again.

"Laurel... or Felicity?"

Oliver looked up at Adrian again, Adrian couldn't even tell what was Oliver feeling. His eyes demonstrated a strong feeling or fear, yet also anger, and so much pain. Chase shook his head. "It's easy Oliver!" He exclaimed loudly as he got on his knees.

"Say. Her. Name"

Oliver opened his mouth. Adrian smiled when he heard her name. It came out quickly and softly. He laughed wickedly as he took out a little paper from his pocket and handed it to Oliver, which Oliver received shaking.

"Nicely done. Now go save the woman you love"


Oliver arrived shakily to the hospital. He changed from his green arrow costume as quickly as he could. Not wanting to waste a single second. Everything had gone wrong, from Diggle's brother betraying them to Darhk escaping to Laurel getting hurt.

He had to make a decision which would define Laurel's fate. Whether it was risking the reveal of her identity yet having a better chance of survival. Or keeping her identity well hidden but risking her chance of survival. Now that he actually thought about it, there should have been no question. Survival, that's what matters.

He walked towards the room he had dropped her in. Not surprised about the fact they weren't there anymore. He tried not to think that the worst had happened, but he needed answers and he needed them fast.

A nurse cleaning the blood on the stretcher noticed him. She walked towards him with a frown on her face.

"Can I help you?" She had asked with sympathy on her voice. Oliver nodded.

"The woman, who that blood belongs to" he pointed at the blood. "Where is she?"

"They have taken her to surgery sir" the nurse was young, so innocent, he almost envied the simplicity of her expression. He could only imagine what his expression looked like, although he was breathing, obviously, he felt as if all the oxygen had left his body the moment Darhk stabbed Laurel right in front of him, and he had just stood there, incapable of helping her.

The Woman he Loves (Lauriver vs Olicity)Where stories live. Discover now