:::: Seven ::::

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When the girl got back to the Academy she was shocked to see the once grand chandelier in pieces on the floor. She gripped the knife Five gave her as she slowly walked into the sitting room. The glass in the cabinet had been shattered and the furniture was riddled with bullet holes.

"What the hell happened here?" Nova whispered to herself as she bent down to pick up one of the shell casings on the ground.

"We were attacked." A crude voice said from behind her. She spun around defensively with her knife out only to see Diego and Luther standing there.

"By who? When?" She asked frantically. Concern for all the Hargreeves filled her. Despite what she has told herself she has grown to really care for this family.

"Last night by some people in suits and children's masks," Luther answered and Nova cursed under her breath.

"You know those guys?" Diego asked.

"It's complicated. They're the ones who almost killed me the other night." Nova said quickly as she hurried out the door.

The boys followed her confused as she left the Academy. The girl didn't even bother to get the books that Five wanted she needed to tell him what happened.

"What's going on? Nova? Who are those people?" Luther asked. Nova got a sense of deja vu as they walked down the street and Luther tried to interrogate her.

"It's none of your business!" Nova snapped as she picked up her pace. It was a struggle having short legs. No matter how fast she walked Luther and Diego were able to easily catch up with her.

"It became our business when those guys attacked our family, our home!" Diego exclaimed and Nova rolled her eyes.

"What the hell have you been up to with our brother? What did you two do in the future to make these people want to kill you guys?" Luther exclaimed and Nova felt anger flare through her.

"I told you to shut the hell up, Number One. We've been through this. Five and I did incomprehensible things in the apocalypse. Things, that as I said before, would make you question your humanity. Now I suggest you stop asking questions about things you don't understand." Nova snapped as she stopped walking and pointed an angry finger in Luther's face.

"You killed people didn't you," Diego said slowly and Nova turned to him in slight confusion. "You have that look. That haunted look of guilt and anger. I've only ever seen those eyes in someone who has killed."

Nova's face hardened into a blank look as she ignored Diego's comment and continued toward the library. His words hit a nerve in Nova's heart and brought tears to her eyes.

Of course, he could see that she was a murderer. Five only worked for The Commission because he wanted to save his family. Nova on the other hand chose to go work for them. Even though she was tricked she still chose to work for them. What kind of a person does that make her?

"What are we doing at the library?" Luther asked confused.

"Five is here somewhere. Split up and find him." Nova commanded before walking away from the boys.

She searched every level before she came across Luther and Diego again. Their paths crossed on the top level of the library. The two brothers were arguing like usual. The girl couldn't help but roll her eyes when she realized they were arguing about growing up and Diego accused Luther of being a virgin.

"We all know Luther's a virgin. We have more important matters to focus on. Have either of you found Five?" Nova asked in annoyance.

"Where are his parents? I'm gonna call security." A woman's voice carried down the hall.

Shadows & Mirrors  // f.hargreeves fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang