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It was a Tuesday afternoon when Jisoo and Rosie got invited to Lisa's apartment to film for that video they both reluctantly agreed to appear in. Why a Tuesday afternoon? Well, in between countless photoshoots, recordings, and paid appearances, Tuesday was the only day that week that Rosie happened to have a free day.

Coincidentally, it was also the one day Jisoo allowed herself to have an off day after 6 whole weeks of being holed up in her own apartment, surviving solely on Chinese takeout and Redbull. Apart from owning a publishing company for independent writers, Jisoo was an author herself. It was why she started the company in the first place.

And so there they both were, both awkwardly standing outside Lisa's apartment on a Tuesday afternoon, while waiting for her to get the door. From outside, they could hear the cats scratching the door, the dogs barking excitedly, and a loud yelp from Lisa. Probably tripped on something on the floor.

The two could only chuckle before they went back to that awkward silence that engulfed them.

Jisoo and Rosie didn't end on bad terms. In fact, they've remained somewhat friends years after their break up. What with Lisa demanding both their presence for every occasion, they both figured that it would be easier if they just allowed for space for each other in their lives. There was a silent agreement that they did not have to be the best of friends, but that they remain civil and can at least hold a conversation without it being too strained or too painfully awkward every now and then.

For the most part, it has worked, and has made everybody else's life much easier. Jisoo and Rosie were okay, and that was enough.

The door soon swung wide open to reveal a disheveled Lisa carrying one of her cats in her arms, before she loudly exclaimed "Hi guys!" which startled the cat and caused it to scratch her arm before it jumped off and walked away, causing her to pout. It's funny, they both thought, how Lisa has owned cats all her life and still made amateur mistakes like startling them with her loud voice and forcing them to play with her all the time.

After hi's and hello's, an offer for food (which Rosie didn't refuse), and a quick rundown of what's about to go down, Lisa made Jisoo and Rosie sit next to each other on the couch and face the camera right in front of them.

"Okay, so I'm going to start my introduction to my YouTube channel. Then you guys can just say hi."

"What do you expect from us in this video?", Jisoo inquired, not really sure what to do or how to act. She isn't in front of the camera much, even with her books selling hot like pancakes, not much is known about her. She has all but 3 photos on the internet, and all 3 came from professional photoshoots she had to take part in when she entered an international writing contest.

"Honesty?", Lisa grinned at her, before turning her attention back to her camera and pressing the button to start recording.

"Hey guys, and welcome to my YouTube channel! This is Lisa, and welcome to Just Lisa!", Lisa excitedly exclaimed into the camera. 

"Today, we're going to play a game. But I'm not the one playing the game. In fact, I'll only be the one to give the questions out. For that, I invited my two best friends in the world, up and coming political thriller author, Jisoo Kim,  and singer of the hit 'Time', Rosé!"

"Hi guys, I'm Rosé", Rosie sweetly smiled into the camera.

Rosie Park, more popularly known with the mononym Rosé, is a soloist who made it big after someone took a video of her singing in a pub. She was a back-up singer for someone else back then, and to make ends meet, she sang part-time at a local pub. When that video of her singing went viral, she immediately received so many offers from so many different agencies asking her to sign with them.

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